Business & Finance Advertising & sales & Marketing

SEO - Truly Affordable Custom Websites and Crossing the Streams

Its near the end of "Ghostbusters," Gozar the Gozarian is kicking the Ghostbuster's butts, the Giant Marshmallow is destroying Manhattan below them, Sigourney is doing her best stone Fido impression as Bill Murray grimaces at the camera, "so, she's a dog.
" At this point Igor says, "We could try crossing the streams.
" "But Igor," Murray replies, "I thought you said crossing the streams was bad.
" Murray, or Dr.
Vinkman, his character, is a bit confused about the whole good thing bad thing idea as it applies to crossing the photon streams from their patented Ghostbuster guns.
Igor explains in layman elementary particle physics jargon that crossing the streams could cause a chain reaction reducing all matter into separate distinct atoms thereby disintegrating everything in the universe instantaneously but there is a definite slight chance it might only work against the bad guys.
Murray's reaction is enthusiastic and immediate.
"I love this new plan, let's do it.
" Search Engine Rankings are formulated by the individual engines setting rules in the form of complicated algorithms whereby websites earn the position they receive on each search of the engine.
While everyone would like to be in first position with their site, think how hard that would be to read.
So the title of the site, the time on the search engine, various keywords that may suggest the site has answers regarding the search term, and numerous other factors are looked at through these algorithms and positions are assigned.
If the sites were listed alphabetically Aardvarks would flourish and Zebras would perish.
Using these algorithms positions are decided based on the ability to do algorithmetic or search engine optimization or more simply still SEO.
While placing sites in position on the internet may be less a struggle of good vs.
evil than one of qualifying for the good position, as the search engines set the rules in place the battle is equally as fierce as any that occurred during the crusades.
King Arthur had just laid out a truly unique flanking maneuver when Murray, dressed as Lancelot says it again, "I love this new plan, let's do it.
" The difficulty in moving up in the search engines using SEO is understanding the algorithms.
These are much more complicated than directions in the dirt on moving some of the troops around behind the enemy.
SEO algorithms can best be described as the "Survey Says" answers from Family Feud pre-posted on the net for website designers and site owners to guess at with lowered rankings assigned for every wrong guess.
But in each episode the "Survey Says" answers are calibrated from a different audience, often an audience which has been given slightly different instructions for picking the answers than the prior one.
New beautiful inexpensive websites with perfect answers to important searches will never be pulled up on Google or Yahoo without the right "keywords.
" The most affordable, unique, custom designed website on the net will languish in cyberspace without the help of proper keywords.
Bill Murray, so adept at understanding the almost unintelligible gibberish Igor spouted throughout Ghostbusters would look simply dazed and confused exiting the algorithm lab at Google.
Keyword search services are springing up on the net like tiny lakes produced by crossing streams.
Can the day be far away when Dr.
Vinkman resurfaces in Googlebusters The Movie, as he exits the algorithm lab, at Google central in his crisp white lab coat, flowing chart in hand, his arm around Richard Dawson, he re-utters those same favored words: " I love this new plan, let's do it.

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