By now almost everyone uses a computer regularly knows the famous social network Facebook privacy settings, which has conquered the world. Since it was started actually in 2004, had an outbreak of massive and rapid growth, particularly in the last two years. Let's see where it came from.
How it all began
A student in his second year at Harvard, Mark had the idea in 2004 what he called privacy It was as a way to keep in contact with other Harvard students on the Internet remotely.
The expansion of the Web
It soon became so popular, it was also used in other universities like Stanford, Columbia and Yale, and then quickly opened to all Ivy League and later joined the majority of universities in the United States and Canada. In 2005 the company launched a smaller version, and finally in 2006, Facebook privacy settings were opened to the public: who could more than thirteen years with a valid e-mail address to use it.
Over time, facebook privacy settings have its view of the messages that can be annoying at times, if you only used a modified version is already updated. Over the years, have also added several features and adjust the facebook privacy settings allow more. Today, you can view photos, videos, notes, send instant messages, private messages, post on the walls of people, or import your blog by facebook privacy settings.
Investment and Finance
And in 2004 received their original investment of $ 500,000 from PayPal Thief, co-founder Peter in exchange for 7% of the company. The following year, but had the capital to risk large sums of money, still a loss by facebook privacy settings.
This is not to stop investors pay more money for the company in return for a small percentage of the property.
Finally, in 2009 cash flow positive Facebook privacy settings for the first time.
Facebook privacy settings makes money through advertising, you can see the flags on the right side. These ads are customized to fit the profile of the person views the page. These ads also allow them to offer their services free to users.
Ultimately, the user decide which network is included and who and how to use the most, which inevitably affect the future of Facebook privacy settings and all social networks. This means that the history of Facebook privacy settings stops.
In October 2010 a film entitled "Social Networks" was published, the story tells of the creation of Mark.
Nathalie brings technology near you - learn to use social networks effectively and easily.
Nathan works as a mentor and coach one-on-one and group counseling to clients in their personal growth and use of technology to help.
Want to know more? Check out my channel on You Tube and my page on facebook privacy settings technology tutorials.
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