Are you a struggling affiliate who is sinking in a sea of super affiliates? If your affiliate payout leaves a lot to be desired, there are specific steps you can take to greatly increase your affiliate income and finally see the results you've been looking for.
These techniques can be used with your existing affiliate marketing campaigns to boost your results.
Give personal proof - What's the best way to set yourself apart from the rest of the people who are promoting the product that you are promoting? Make your promotions personal.
Of course, this technique only works if you have actually been using the product or the method.
Track your results carefully and then share your story.
Record a video testimonial, release an exclusive e-course or write a short report.
By showing screen shots of your earnings, pictures of your weight loss or giving a heartfelt testimonial (whatever is appropriate for the product), you can earn the trust of potential buyers.
Find a residual income program - If you are receiving moderate results from an affiliate promotion, you can increase your earnings by shifting focus in the same niche.
Instead of earning $30 on a one time product sale, why not earn $18 month in and month out by promoting a residual income program? Most niches have at least one residual income program that affiliates can profit from.
When you promote a membership site or other form of multiple-billing program you'll instantly increase your earning potential.
Even if your referrals only stay subscribed for six months in the example above, you'd still be earning three times as much as you would with an info product.
Create original materials - Many product creators send promotional materials to their affiliates.
Reports, articles and blog posts from product creators may seem the right way to go in order to create promotional content for your campaigns.
However, if they are being distributed to affiliates you can be sure that many other people are using them too.
If a person is researching the product and sees the same article over and over again, they are going to start to become suspicious.
If they are browsing through reviews and see that yours is unique and has a fresh perspective they are more likely to order through your link.
Make yourself stand out from the crowd and use your own unique materials.
Create your own bonuses - You can take the concept of using unique content a step further and create your own bonuses.
Top affiliates often have their own bonuses that they give on top of the bonuses that come with the product.
It's like sweetening the deal for potential buyers.
If they have the choice between a regular affiliate who is simply promoting the product and your link which has added value, who's link do you think they are going to buy from? Make sure to give your buyers explicit instructions on how to get their bonus and be sure to have them send their purchase receipt so you can verify their purchase.