- 1). Sweep the room with a broom. Inspect the floor for chips in the tile. Mix up the epoxy according to the directions that came with the kit and press putty into the chipped area.
- 2). Sand the putty down with a hand sander and sandpaper. Sweep up the debris. Paint the chipped area with a small natural-bristle brush and oil enamel paint that matches the tiling.
- 3). Brush the surface of the tile that has a cracked finish with a clear water-based finish and natural-bristle paint brush. Avoid going over the tile, because it needs to breathe. Wait for the paint to dry.
- 4). Dilute 3 tbsp. of clear household dish detergent in 2 gallons of water. Dip a mop in the mixture and squeeze out excess water. Mop the entire floor.
- 5). Pour water in a bucket, dip a clean mop in the water and rinse off the cleaning mixture. Squeeze excess water and wipe up the floors.
- 1). Sweep up the stone floor. Dilute 3 tbsp. of mild detergent in 2 gallons of water. Dip a mop in the solution and squeeze. Mop the floor with the cleaning solution. Pour clean water in the bucket. Dip the mop in clean water and mop the floor to remove the cleaning product. Allow to dry.
- 2). Apply an even layer of sealant on the stone floor with a rag. Allow the sealant to absorb into the wood.
- 3). Apply an acrylic floor finish, using a lamb's wool pad. Allow to dry.
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