Pets & Animal Dog Breeds

Reduce Your Dog"s Fear With Systematic Desensitization - Dog Obedience Training

Reduce Your Dog's Fear With Systematic Desensitization Through Classical Conditioning it is possible to systematically desensitize your dog from fear to any situation of which it may have developed an emotional fear response.
A classic example in which desensitization can be examined.
Dogs have been known to become afraid of cars after experiencing a traumatic experience such as a car backfiring at a close proximity.
To slowly remove your dog's fear response in this situation you could employ the technique of systematic desensitization.
This technique requires two behavioral conditions to be met.
The first of which is consistently creating a response which is incompatible with the fearful situation.
For example, interjecting play, food or massage at the correct time (just before the fearful situation occurs) will elicit a positive response which is incompatible with fear.
However it is possible for the fearful situation to inhibit eating, or the desire to play if it is an especially high level of fear.
The second condition in the desensitization process is to gradually expose the dog to the fearful situation in small increments.
This lowers stress involved in the process of desensitization, and helps prevent a situation in which the dog could become more fearful.
So, how can you use this technique yourself, well here is a list to explain that; 1.
Before starting with the desensitization process you should plan the steps you are going to take, this is to ensure you allow small enough increments for the dog to benefit.
Think how you can slowly introduce your dog to the fearful situation.
Take some snacks for your dog with you, and begin by taking a deep breath and being relaxed as possible, remember dogs will read your body language to determine how comfortable YOU are with the situation.
Approach the fearful situation, and offer your dog the distraction of the treat at this point.
Watch your dog and look out for signs of fear, or his/her regular reaction to the stimulus.
Try to beat the fear before it starts.
Remember the most important thing is to slowly introduce to your dog.
Do one little step, reward and leave.
Come back the next day and try the next step on your list.
Below is an example of a systematic desensitization hierarchy, we'll use the fear of cars example for simplicity; LEAST FEARFUL 1.
Car in driveway without engine running.
Car in driveway with engine running.
Car moving along the driveway.
Car passing at a distance of 10 metres.
Car passing at a distance of 5 metres.
Car passing at a distance of 3 metres.
MOST FEARFUL Hope this helps some of you systematically desensitize your dogs fear away! Happy Training.

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