Home & Garden Architecture

Slate Floor Care

    Dry Mopping

    • The most important thing you can do to care for your slate floor is to dry mop it on a regular basis. Dirt and other debris are most likely to mar the surface the floor. Use a dry, clean mop to dust every day, even when it doesn't appear to need mopping. Mop only in one direction, as moving the mop back and forth will actually give whatever you're mopping up more opportunity to damage the floor. Make a small pile of debris and push it into the dustpan before you move on to another section of the floor. Once you're done, take the mop outside and shake out any remaining debris.

    Wet Mopping

    • In a residential setting, once a week damp-mopping is enough. A mild floor cleanser is sufficient to clean slate flooring. Make sure the mop is barely wet so that the floor dries quickly.


    • A slate floor can be waxed using a water-based, self-polishing wax. The floor should be thoroughly clean and dry before adding wax. With proper dry-mopping you should not need to wax a slate floor very often.

    Everyday Protection

    • Often, the dirt, sand and dust that we carry in on our shoes will do the most damage to slate floors. Minimize this problem by placing doormats outside each exterior door and small mats inside those same doors. It also may be a good idea to ask family members to remove their shoes upon entering the home.


    • If you have had your slate floor for some time, and find that it needs to be stripped and resealed, make sure that you know what kind of sealer was used on it in the first place. Acrylics, thermoplastics, epoxies and polyurethanes are just a few of the materials used to seal a slate floor. If you don't know what was used, contact the manufacturer to find out and follow the manufacturer's recommendations for stripping. If you're unsure of yourself, you can hire an experience floor refinisher to do the job.

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