Health & Medical Self-Improvement

The Cure For Absent Thought

We have the capacity to launch people into space.
The ability for anyone of us to solve the world's problems is inherent within us.
Our thoughts direct our actions.
Thoughts charged with the concept of achievement will get anyone out of bed and into action mode.
I would not profess that everyone does this, to think about what goals they want to achieve.
There are few techniques that will motivate anyone to do anything.
Motivation is truly an inside job.
The problem as I see it as to why more people are not as successful in life is because they are absent in the thinking department.
I know, John why are you insulting the major amount of the population? Well the truth never fails to inflame some controversy.
Maybe some people might think my statement is insensitive or to harsh.
They could be right, but I certainly don't think so.
You have in your possession this marvelous mind.
You can do anything that you want.
We have heard it countless amount of time, you can do anything you want if you put your mind to it.
Well how can we use this marvelous gift that we have been given from birth? What I am going to suggest works for problem solving and for creating the actions to pursue any goal.
You may think this is simple, it is not.
The reason it is not is because most people will not do what it takes to get to the core or solution to anything.
The reason behind that is the idea of "thinking.
" Some people would rather die than think! As a coach, I have no problem in calling it as I see it.
This may not be an earth shattering method, but it works! Let us say that you have a problem of some sort.
You want to resolve it.
Take a blank piece of paper, maybe even a pad, and write out the problem on the top of the page.
Now, start to think.
That is right, start to think about this problem that you have.
Maybe describe it a little bit more.
Think is this problem simply perceived? Does it really exist? Is it so important that it needs to be solved right now? Look at your problem from all angles, what is the worst if I do nothing about it, what is the best way to address this problem? Do I need professional help with it? Do I know anyone who had this problem and what did they do to solve it? Are their books on this subject? Just keep thinking about it and come up with some ideas and take action.
This works the same if you are pursuing a goal.
We all know that the fastest way to achieve any goal is to write it down.
Now take a look at it and start writing down some ideas to achieve or improve the actions you are now taking.
Please don't do this just one time.
You should do this at least 5 days a week with at least an hour dedicated to achieving or improving your present actions in pursuit of this goal.
It is the same format write the goal on the top of the page.
Think about it for an hour, try to write about 20 new ideas or ways to implement, take action on, or even eliminate wasted actions.
When you this with goals you start to interact more with your concept.
This action will impress your goal into your mind to a larger extent.
Keeping your goal card with you and reading it a few times a day will also help you to focus even more on that you want to achieve.
It is not a blank page, there is something that you want written on top of it.
It is just a matter of filling it in, and really thinking about it.
This can also be a daily action step for your goal.
Some of your ideas may not be any good at all, but at the end of the week or at the end of the month, the collected thoughts or actions could trigger an awesome idea that will just boom your business.
I think the biggest thing is not doing the exercise, it is finding the right time, that is consistent for you to be at your creative best.
Some people are more creative early in the morning and others late at night.
Whichever time is best for you, it should be when it is quiet and relaxing.
Remember you do not every try to force anything.
Some day you may have 20 items other days you may only 1.
In any case the ability to "think" on paper will help build your ability to utilize your mind power.
Just like a muscle it has to be exercised or else it will atrophy.
The only limitation that you have is the one that you set for yourself.
So lets get those brain cells active and use them daily to improve our ability to reach for the stars, do so, I'll be waiting on the other side!

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