Society & Culture & Entertainment Religion & Spirituality

American Crisis

It doesn't take much thought to realize, that our...
"American Environment," has drastically changed over the last few decades, or perhaps, it does take much thought after all! Just as a child learns to test the scope of their parent's tolerance for (the child's) ever increasing radical behavior, so has mankind in general tested the scope of society's tolerance for their own increasing radical behavior as well.
We live in an age of instant gratification, promulgated by the generic (pandemic) feeling that, "If it feels good...
do it!" Many have fallen into this trap, and, as we shall soon discover, we ourselves may fall victim of this deadly trap as well, if we do not train our minds to notice, and detect...
the slightest trace of (negative) psychological mind manipulation, when we are confronted by this daily bombardment of negativity, we must realize what is occurring in our own minds, and endeavor to understand how this negativity effects our views, and our relationship with God! I have spoken with many Christian individuals who have intimated to me (in some form) the following, "I would have loved to have lived (existed) in a period of time; whereby...
I could have made a more meaningful (positive) contribution to Christianity!" I can assure you, that you [do] live in such a time! Never before...
has the general population had such a distorted view of what is morally right or wrong, and never have more (citizens) individuals, had such a disheveled view of what their Government's relationship with God was intended to be, and what their Founding Fathers (and Mothers) believed! Everyday, we, [society] push the envelope, and move closer towards destruction.
The Founders of this Nation envisioned many (good) things for our Country's future, but we must realize collectively, that they (our founders) did not intend any of the (negative) Un-Godly things (ideas), many are attempting (doing) with our Nation today, and they (including Jefferson) would be less than pleased to realize that many of the erroneous ideas the morally corrupt are injecting into our society today.
They (the manipulators) are doing so in the names of our Founders, the Architects of our Republic, by misquoting their words.
This is referred to as "Imprinting," and if done often enough, and correctly, can usurp the truth.
A lie told often enough...
is eventually believed! This is what the "First Amendment" actually says: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
" Well, where's the "Separation Clause?" It's not (in) there! We will take a look at exactly what this Amendment means and what was actually going on in the minds of the "Framers" of our "Constitution" (at the time) when these words were written...
What were the (current) events which shaped their opinions? We will see how (so many individuals) a Nation, so blessed by God, became unable to understand such a simple (principle) statement, in relationship to the once well understood differences between what is our collective relationship with God, or, for that matter, Christianity, and what constitutes an...
"Establishment of Religion," as referred to in our Constitution.
Many individuals do not realize how poorly the different religious doctrines (Churches) had gotten along in Europe before, and during, the establishment of the American Colonies.
Without delving deeply into the subject, and turning this into a treatise on the history of the Church; I will simply say, that what you had on the European Continent during the 18th Century, was an autocratic system; whereby the Royal Houses, Aristocracy, and Church, ruled the land (and its people) with an iron fist! The Church (in this case a building, which housed powerful individuals) could tax you, arrest you, and put you to death! In many ways, the Churches of Europe operated in many ways, very similar to a government, and albeit, not a very sympathetic one most of the time either.
The Founders knew "all" too well, what strife the ongoing disagreement between the Protestants, and the Catholics had caused back in England.
Heads had rolled after all (just ask Mary Queen of Scotts); there was still a constant bemoaning undercurrent in Briton...
over what the "Official Religion of the Realm" should be! The Founding Fathers knew these pitfalls all too well.
They understood well the need to keep the Church (that powerful group of mere men, acting in the name of God) out of the affairs of State, and not to prefer one form of religion over another, but did they wish to exclude "God" from the affairs of State? No...
they did not...
as we will find...
did they [not] believe, that this was indeed founded as a Christian Nation from its very (conception) beginning! God was welcomed from the beginning in this "New World" by its Christian inhabitants, but many of our Nation's first Colonist, were quite leery of "The Church!" This new beginning (they hoped), would give them the opportunity to Worship "God" as they saw fit, and not how they were told...
maybe this new land would be so vast that no one would (could) bother them, who could possibly care...
if they were Catholics, Protestants, or Jewish, here in this new land of opportunity, so far (geographically) from the Cathedrals of Europe, and the powerful men that occupied them! One must attempt to know them (the founders) upon their own level; whilst considering the environment and times in which they lived.
was just not a major part of their lives in those formative days, but he (to a great extent) was their lives! I've heard Constitutional Scholars say that, "The Constitution is a living, breathing document, and changes at the people's desires dictate, and the times change.
" If this Statement were indeed true, what would our "Country" look like today? No individual, or group of individuals, could pen such a document as our "Constitution," without the inspiration (guidance) of God; why then, are some individuals attempting to remove God from our Government and Schools? It's very simple...
God is in their-way...
they believe to do their own (get their own way) will...
they must remove this collective moral compass from their society...
they must remove God from their path to do so, but how? We've all heard the old axiom, "The squeaky wheel gets the grease;" This, is exactly how...
the three to four percent of American's, who do not believe (profess a belief) in God...
have succeeded in removing "Prayer" from our schools, and the "Ten Commandments," from both our Schools and Court buildings! The three to four percent are active; whilst the 97% sit at home, play with their computers, watch television, and say, "Isn't that awful?" Some religions are becoming more vocal however, but some are not doing so correctly, and many (religions) have been perverted altogether, but the fact remains regardless of any doctrines views...
"The United States of America was formed as a Christian Nation," and its degree of prosperity has always depended upon its protection of the Godly, and its adherence to "Judea-Christian Principles.
" The Founders endeavored to regulate the possible legislative dominance of any singular religion, and at the same time protect an individual's right to exercise the free practice thereof, but they never intended to regulate God, or to remove "Godly" influence, or protection, from our new form of government; in fact, as we shall see, they firmly believed that their belief in God was not only beneficial, it was a (the) necessary factor of (to) our (their) success, if we were to succeed (they believed) in this "Great Experiment," which would be our new democracy...
God's blessing of their undertaking (must) would be critical! Thomas Jefferson for example was a Deist, and considered himself a Christian; his problems were not related to a belief in God, or Christianity, but in the practices (bounds of authority) of organized religions of the period, (day) as we have heretofore spoken of.
Why would an Atheist (as many have styled Jefferson); write such words as the following: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
" Why would an Atheist use such words as, "endowed by their Creator...
?" Why indeed.
We must again realize the powers held by many organized religions of the day; gave great pause to our founders; who would (could) blame them, given the powers held, and the authority given to many "churches" of the day.
These "organized religions," were very much quasi-governments, and in many cases were corrupt in nature.
They almost universally believed in God, and...
were for the most part, predominately Christian; however, they professed a belief in the free practice of an individual's religion of choice: consider again the following: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof...
" George Washington himself was an ardent believer in God, and the Divine Providence that he believed protected him personally; which guided and protected their (patriotic) cause...
the cause of freedom! Consider his words: "It is impossible to rightly govern a nation, without, God and the Bible!" George Washington...
We must realize the importance of this very crucial point...
When we see the term, "Religion," as used in the documents penned by our founders, we must endeavor to understand exactly where they were (Philosophically) coming from: religion meant to them (and still does to us today); how an individual chooses to worship God: It (the term...
religion) was certainly not meant (by any means) to refer to the (an) exclusion of God's mention from the halls of "our" government, or, from the classrooms of "our" nations schools! This is the truth, and anyone should be able to comprehend this...
right? Well...
apparently not, as we shall soon see: The (Constitutional) misconceptions, which the vast majority of the populace is (now) operating under currently, are the result of a slow, but calculated offense: in regards to the chipping away of the freedoms which are guaranteed to us under the "first amendment.
" As we shall see, it is not "Constitutionally" correct to force someone to pray, but likewise (read again the above), it is not "Constitutionally" correct to tell someone they cannot (free exercise thereof...
) pray either...
is this not what the "first amendment" dictates? The words "freedom of speech," we so frequently hear quoted in court case, after court case, certainly reveals to us the necessity of an individual's right to speak their minds, even if their views don't coincide with our own; certainly (this) should mean...
that an individual must (philosophically) bend occasionally; if someone (the majority in fact) wishes to utter a few words in prayer at a school event, or governmental function...
consider this: "The Honorable the Congress having recommended it to the United States to set apart Thursday the 6th of May next to be observed as a day of fasting, humiliation and prayer, to acknowledge the gracious interpositions of Providence; to deprecate [to pray or in-treat that a present evil may be removed] deserved punishment for our Sins and Ingratitude, to untidily implore the Protection of Heaven; Success to our Arms and the Arms of our Ally: The Commander in Chief enjoins a religious observance of said day and directs the Chaplains to prepare discourses proper for the occasion; strictly forbidding all recreations and unnecessary labor.
" -George Washington, first President of the United States- The same Constitutional interpretation that (allegedly) protects an individual's right to protest an American Serviceman's, or Servicewoman's, funeral; should certainly protect an individual's right to pray as they wish! "The free exercise thereof...
" as written in our Constitution, should protect us in this respect...
do you agree? The majority of our citizenry have been forced (by false judicial considerations): to not only allow the freedom of (derogatory) speech: in regards to the minority's "first amendment's" rights, but to acquiesce (surrender) completely; in regards to their own (religious) freedoms as well.
This is preposterous; we are not allowed to pray in a nation; that has done little to stem the infiltrations of "Sharia Law" in some communities.
When this subject is breached, many individuals simply claim the notion to be ridiculous, but it is certainly quoted far too often...
to be totally dismissed as an issue! Many people, who saw the events that (which) unfolded in Germany throughout the 1930's; thought (I am sure), that things (their very lives) weren't going to turn-out as they eventually did; and many believed (unduly), that they were (indeed) powerless to affect the inevitable outcome...
The road to destruction is lined with (many) warning signs, that few can understand, and many (groups) individuals...
do not wish to read them at all! Man will go to the ends of the earth...
to support his (or her) own hypothesis: especially, if said hypothesis, protects them from an uncomfortable truth! They're not really taking away our freedom...
are they? The country we live in after all (although spacious and full of natural resources) is by no means special; what have made our country great is the individuals who comprise our population.
Our nation was comprised of people (originally) who came from similar backgrounds, and yes, similar (although not exact) religious beliefs as well.
The founders came from (physically), or (they) were not so theoretically removed from the (religiously) oppressive shores of the European Continent; that they hadn't witnessed first hand, or at least heard first hand accounts of what it was like to practice an unpopular religion (or an illegal one), or for that matter, a religion which was not considered the "official" religion of the State! After all: The Church of England was instituted, and Catholicism (and the Pope), was subsequently ousted...
to make way for Henry VIII's divorce from Catherine of Aragon, so the good king could marry Anne Boleyn.
This is by no means the only reason, but politics played a major role as well.
The Bishop of Rome was exacting far too much control over the British Isles (for that matter the world), and many thought (the founders as well); that, "THE CHURCH...
was becoming far too powerful for their liking.
One must remember, in the historical period that our 'founders' existed; when one spoke of 'Thee Church,' as a form of power, or government, 'They' were (universally) speaking of Catholicism!" Yet, even so, our "founders" did not desire to curtail an individual's right to practice Catholicism, or any other, religious doctrine for that matter; however, they (the framers of our Constitution) were drawing a (legislative) line in the sand! No "CHURCH" would govern here, or control this new (Republic) form of "Government," but "God" was more than welcome; after all, "Freedom of Religion" was the (antecedent cause) reason, many had made the rough voyage by sea to this, "New World," to begin with!" Even those (individuals) who did not immigrate to the "Colonies," did not (categorically) intend to repeat the mistakes of the collective "Old World;" when it came to matters of their "Faith, all Men, and Women," would be free to choose, in this, "New Land!" Freedom had found its incubator! Why do many of us believe, that this is an, "American Crisis?" When the individual (religious) minorities, begin to utilize the (Constitution) protections found within our form of government, to facilitate the suppression of our religious freedoms, under the guise of "Equal 'protection' Rights," we have lost collectively as a people, the ability to understand, that protection...
does not mean the forfeiture of our own rights and freedoms.
The (founders) architects of our "New Nation" laid the protective "Constitutional Corner Stones" which they (with God's guidance) so meticulously set into place, in order to protect us "all" from the "few," and the "few" from the (all) many! No nation, or building, can withstand the test of time, without a solidly formed (Constitution) foundation, and it is up to us all (the "new" founders), to ensure that we remain, "One Nation, Under God!"

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