Most parents only want the best for their children.
However, there areinstances when parents can be highly demanding and less responsive to theirchildren's needs, interests and desires.
Parenting is seen as a typology, inwhich specific practices are held insignificant compared with the generalpractices on how parents deal with their children.
Experts describe authoritarian parenting as a style that is based on obediencewithout questioning.
In families adopting authoritarian parenting, parentsmost often enforce stringent rules, where punishment is confused fordiscipline.
Authoritarian parenting holds high regard for achievement, leavingchildren with no room to make mistakes.
Often, this style of parenting isdevoid of love and affection that are, in fact, very crucial in thepsychological and emotional development of young children.
Parents might not recognize it, but authoritarian parenting can lead to futureproblems when it comes to the relationship of children and parents.
Childrenof authoritarian parents are prone to committing rebellious acts, as their wayof asserting their individuality and finding their niche in the society.
Another downside to this style of parenting is that children have the tendencyto open their problems to other people due to fear of their parents, which isnot a healthy parent-child relationship.
Out of the parents' desire forachievement and ensuring that their children turn out to be successful adults,they fail on the opportunity to provide guidance when the children most needit.
Instead, they enforce black and white rules that often neglect thechildren's chance to grow and learn from mistakes.
In turn, this leads toconfusion that significantly damages a child's self-esteem as well as socialcompetence.
Children from authoritarian families can perform moderately in school, which isa stark contrast to how their parents aim for them, although they may have noinvolvement in problematic behavior in societies.
Yet, children from thesefamilies have a higher degree of depression, partly because they cannot expresstheir own thoughts and interests to their parents, consequently stifling theirintellectual growth.
Discipline in authoritarian parenting tends to be harsh, and does not quantifyfor the wrongdoing.
Eventually, parents are baffled as to what method ofdiscipline to impose when spanking no longer works.
In some families, spankingcan lead to abuse which correlates to the low self-esteem and poor socialskills of children.
Many experts have discouraged parents to use authoritarian parenting style dueto its proven detrimental effects on a child's well-being.
Instead,psychologists advocate a more democratic parenting style that fostersparent-child relationship but ensures that children grow to be responsible andloving individuals.
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