Health & Medical Self-Improvement

Living As An Intentional Powerful Creator

You are like God.
At the heart of who you are is a being that is just like God.
You are of the same substance.
Whether you want to call that substance 'Spirit', or 'Energy', 'Love or 'Consciousness', is not so important as simply understanding the premise that it is ALL God, and you are part of that 'All'.
GOD is Creator, not created.
Everything in fact, seen and unseen, is part of that Whole, because in God, all things "...
live and move and have their being.
" ( Acts ) Science finally has revealed what faith has always known, that Intelligence is in all things.
That Intelligence is God.
Having said that, I still wish to point out that the material Creation is the "work of God's hands" and the expression of his imagination and design, not God Himself.
I can state this emphatically because I know that should the Universe fold up and collapse one day and be transformed into another form, chaos, or even a void, it would not have any bearing on God's continuing existence.
According to Genesis, out of such a void the Earth we call home sprang into being.
(Gen 1:1) God is what we often refer to as Energy.
God= Energy= mc2= God (=Love, but more on that later).
Energy never 'dies', it simply changes form.
When something material 'dies', the substance of which it was made does not, but rather, returns to Its original form.
The matter decomposes and becomes part of that whole.
The energy droplet becomes part of the Ocean again.
God 'thinks' a form and it takes form in matter and grows.
God is the Universal Life Force and Life always begets Life.
The cycle continues.
None of this affects the 'wholeness' of God because it all takes place from within the Wholeness.
Nothing in existence exists outside of God.
The Difference Between You and the Rest Of Creation But there is a rather large distinction between you and all the rest of Creation.
Matter is like God's sculpture and modelling-ideas to which He gives form and structue.
In this way, they are His creation.
His Intelligence and compelling for life and expansion are imprinted in their design.
Your physical form is like that, but you are not like the rest of Nature, whose cellular default setting is aligned with Life and Love and Abundance.
Yours starts that way, but...
you have something else, something more and that's what sets you apart.
You can alter your default setting.
There is only one other option, but you can choose it.
Nothing else but humanity can do this.
God is a living Intelligence.
Just like you.
Actually, you are a thinking intelligence, just like God.
All of God's creation is good and of God's 'stuff', but you are a Consciousness Centre.
At the core of who you are is Thinking Substance ( as Wallace D Wattles, calls it), and YOU are the one who determines what is thought.
Just as God impresses upon this substance His ideas for form and affects matter-SO DO YOU! (By the way, I highly recommend Wallace D.
Wattles' "The Science of Getting Rich" for more on this.
) You were not merely created by God, like the rest of matter, you were BORN of God.
The core of who you are will not 'die' like the matter around it.
In the same way that matter dissolving does not alter God's Being, neither does your matter dissolving alter your core being.
You are A Powerful Creator Your Consciousness Centre is IMMORTAL and ETERNAL.
It is GOD.
The more aligned you become to the Original default setting for Life, Love and Abundance, the more aware you become of your Oneness with God and your ability to create your life on purpose, the very same way that God created the physical Universe.
Your ability to think for yourself is your divine right.
You could even say, it IS your divinity and certainly the evidence of it! Whether you are wielding this incredible power by volition or in ignorance, it IS working.
The life you see all around you, the condition of your body, the state of your mind, the circumstances of your living and the quality of your relationships are ALL what they are because of the content that makes up your Consciousness Centre.
Only you can accept responsibility for it and only you can do anything about changing any of it with any level of permanence.
There are only TWO settings: Alignment WITH All That Is, or Misalignment.
Connected or disconnected.
A disconnected state is usually referred to as 'bad', 'evil', 'malignant'.
But there is no opposing Intelligent Evil as such, there is simply the absence of the Intelligence that is good.
There is no force in darkness, it is immediately dispersed by light without argument and fear can only exist where Love is not.
There is a degree of Collective Consciousness that has a bearing on it, and there has been no better time to live than now for that.
When the righteous prosper, a city is exalted.
But even should the entire world population prosper, an 'unaligned' individual will taste none of it.
To be aligned, is to be 'right' or 'righteous' or 'upright'.
The terms are synonymous and are not intended as condemning, but descriptive only.
They define an "aligned" state of being.
The only negative judgment that exists comes via one's own condemning heart.
( I Jn 3)This is an inherent element of perceived alienation.
Colosssians says we were alienated and 'enemies in our minds'.
(Col 1:19-21) The only 'separation' that can exist anywhere, EVER, is in your consciousness.
And separation there will keep you in poverty, even if surrounded by abundance ( and you are), it will riddle your body with sickness even when you have well being and it will fill you with fear that cripples you utterly, when your freedom is within your immediate grasp.
All lies within the field of your own personal choice.
It works the other way around as well.
"A thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand, but it will not come near you", so we are admonished in Psalm 91 So, there's no need to concern yourself with anything anyone else thinks or believes.
It makes no difference to what you can create for you.
Only YOU have the power to construct your world and you can only do it by intentionally CHOOSING what and how you program your Consciousness Centre.
Jesus came to demonstrate the goodness of God and shower it on humanity in healing, provision and wise teachings.
He showed that a mere man, fully aligned with Love (God) could live in total freedom and even become a conduit to the same well being for others.
Hebrews 1:3 says that Jesus is "The radiance of God's glory and the exact representation of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful word.
He showed us how to live as God intended, as God-infused humans.
"For it is God works in you, causing you to will and to do according to his good purpose.
" Phil 2:13
God wants to experience this world through your Consciousness Centre.
And if you pay attention, He will help you create your ultimate life! Here's the bottom line of this chapter and we can go no further without its acceptance: You were born a creator, like your Father the Creator.
What kind of world do you want to create?

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