Health & Medical Self-Improvement

Feeling Cursed? Part 2: Protection From "Curses" and the Common "Evil Eye"

After any cleansing ritual, it's always best to follow through with a protective action of some sort.
My last article left off with a candle burning technique designed to discourage negative influences from re-entering the home once it has been cleared from the property.
Now the question is, should you concern yourself in seeking personal amulets, talismans, etc.
, to match the possibility of the jealousy bug's intrusive attempt at a return? You bet your ancestors!!! This is of the utmost importance..
and I'm not just whistling pixie! Even though your house is cleansed, you can never know fully (unless you've found your psychic abilities!) the type of energies or people you will be interacting with throughout the day, nor do you know what types of energetic baggage you can pick up and usher BACK into your house after being exposed to it.
You can easily pick up "funky vibes" from the act of touching, sitting on, wearing, walking on, and even inhaling objects that have been grossly affected by the psychic residue left from situations involving physical and emotional trauma.
The truth here is that your aura, while more than likely polished up nice and vibrant after your cleansing bath, could still use an energy layered shield as the aura continues to heal in it's sensitive state.
So seeking the benefits of other forms of protection would be wise! While there are many varieties of psychic shielding available in the forms of stones, oils, talismans, and jewelry, I'm going to focus on a cost effective measure that will keep most wallets from screaming in lieu of holiday purchases and a turbulent economy! Something like a charm or "mojo" bag kept on your persons would immediately cushion any psychic barbed wire that you may run into, just as it would serve to bolster your first line of defense in the event of a psychic attack! Remarkably, most of the materials are conveniently located in your kitchen cupboards, as opposed to having to shop online for an overly priced talisman guaranteed to protect you from all evil! A cleansing does not lend itself to protection on it's own merit, so we must limit the chances of jealousy attacks coming from the folks closest to you (neighbors, relatives, in-laws, etc.
) who feel jilted by the vibration of your life's successes, even if those successes appear small to you! With the mentioning of success, we have to carry an awareness of lesser possibilities existing, perhaps that of the jealous co-worker,who, unbeknownst to you, is a dabbler-styled witch possessed by an unyielding obsession to make your life miserable in the workplace! The odds are that he/she would have ready in place mystical traps for you ALL around the office building, with the intention of making that "Ex-lax brownies at lunch" scenario seem like a pleasurable trip to the toilet! Now that we've examined a few baseline reasons to implement some form of protective service, let us move now to the construction of a good ol' "mojo" protection charm bag! WHAT YOU'LL NEED: Black or white clothe, exorcised 1 tsp.
Sea, Kosher or Table Salt 1 tsp Crossroads Dirt (Dirt from a 3 or 4 point street, path or sidewalk intersection) 1 tsp Paprika 1 dime 1 Bay Leaf 1/2 tsp.
Rosemary your picture olive oil Red pen or marker Tealight candle Floral Scented Stick Incense 1.
Cleanse your picture and black or white cloth.
Fill a coffe cup full of water and add a pinch of salt to it.
Stir the water,counterclockwise with your finger 9 times.
Sprinkle the saltwater solution over your cloth, then over your picture.
You can also use the left over spray solution from Part 1 of this seriesin place of this procedure, just make sure the spray nozzle is set to a fine mist.
Light incense.
Pass the cloth, then your picture, through the smoke, counterclockwise, 9 times.
Now it is exorcised and purged from negative energies! 2.
TEA LIGHT CANDLE - light it! 3.
YOUR PICTURE Take you picture and, with the red marker, draw 3 circles around your image,each circle a little bigger then the last, while saying to yourself "I am now protected!" Anoint the corners of your picture with olive oil,starting from the top left corner,moving clockwise.
THE BAG In the center of your cloth, add the cross roads dirt, then the salt, paprika, rosemary, bay leaf, and the dime.
Fold your picture 4 times TOWARD you, then lay it on the other ingredients.
CHARGE IT! Tie the bag together, using an exorcised shoelace or it's own corners.
If all you have is clear tape, you can wrap tape around it.
Put the newly formed bag through the incense smoke CLOCKWISE, 13 times, while you visualize it glowing with an outline of purple, red or white light.
Continue this visualization as you pass the bag over the candle flame 13 times CLOCKWISE.
Be careful not to start a fire! Return the newly formed charm bag to your working table.
Take about 5 minutes of reflective time to concentrate on the fact that YOU ARE NOW PROTECTED! You may read Psalm 109, or offer a prayer from your heart for protection to a deity of your choice or other religious figures meaningful to you, although none of this is necessary.
LEAVE IT ALONE! Let the tea light burn out, and leave your bag sit undisturbed for 24 hours.
Carry on you right side.
Anoint everyday at sunrise with olive oil.
Redo this charm bag ritual with new ingredients every 30 days for lengthened protection.
So now you have an adequate protection piece, crafted by YOUR hands! Congratulations! My next article will touch a little further on the subject of "Exorcising" materials, and more in the ways of "charging" objects! Here are some added notes pertaining the construction of a protection charm bag: Before you start, be sure to wipe down whatever surface you are going to work on with either the spray (water, salt, vinegar,lemon) mentioned from Part 1 of this series or the cloth/ picture exorcism formula (salt and water).
The lonelier and less travelled the crossroads path is, the better the place it is to gather your dirt! The best suggested time to perform this operation is on a Thursday night while the moon is waxing (getting full) in the planetary hours of Jupiter, Mars, or the Sun.
However, this is suggested! Sometimes action is necessary in the immediate sense, regardless of the moon phases or planetary hours.
This charm bag was created to protect you from common forms of PSYCHIC attack! This does not make you physically impervious to fired bullets, stab wounds, car wrecks, or the bludgeoning fists of neighbors that you may have angered by being a Class A Jerk!

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