Health & Medical Yoga

Meditation, Motivation and More - A Simple Guide to Change Your Life

STRESS! Day in and day out your senses are bombarded with the effects of stress.
You can't see it.
You can't taste it.
You can't even smell it.
But it is there and what's more, it can destroy you! When your nervous system is over- charged, your health suffers and your attitude is negatively affected.
Stress takes hold of your mind and body and before you know it, you affect the people around you - the very people you love and respect.
Left unchecked, your self image suffers and life can begin to fall apart at the seams.
As stress and anxiety are conditions of the mind, the obvious prescription should be "Change Your Mind...
and change your life!" Meditation offers numerous benefits in this respect as it helps to overcome stress and enables you to be at peace with yourself.
Being at peace with yourself is key to a harmonious relationship with the people around you.
Medical practitioners too have started to acknowledge some of the benefits of meditation in the treatment of physical conditions and a many studies have told of very ill patients responding to treatment much better when they used meditation techniques.
Indeed there are many benefits even for those who do not need any medical treatment as the regular practice of meditation can help keep a person healthy and may be instrumental in warding off illness and disease.
This could be because meditation helps to keep stress and anxiety in check and, as these are contributing factors or triggers of many health issues, it is natural that those who meditate may enjoy better health.
As regular meditation helps people to achieve levels of mental and physical relaxation, it also helps to eliminate some of the worries and pressures that accumulate through the rest of the day.
It is a fact of life that success does not always go to the most intelligent or the most educated.
More often, it goes to the person with the greatest amount of drive or motivation.
Motivation is that force, that intangible something, which enables you to clear hurdles and achieve your goals.
A positive mental attitude is essential to be successful in any endeavor you undertake.
Motivation is the vital ingredient in achieving a positive attitude.
It plays a key role in effective performance and is a vital attribute to successful man management.
Motivation is a state of mind that acts as the driving force behind human endeavor.
Meditation can help to achieve that state of mind.
Numerous studies have been carried out and theories put forward on motivational techniques but, just as each person has a unique character, he or she will be motivated by different things.
The secret to self motivation is to discover your personal trigger.
However, there are certain truisms: Eliminate the negatives from your life.
These can be thoughts or people Focus on the positives Have a goal or purpose Have a plan to achieve your goal - in achievable and measurable steps.
Write down your plan and read it daily Go for it and NEVER GIVE UP! Change your mind and change your life forever.

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