Health & Medical Children & Kid Health

Infant Colic Relief

    A Ride in the Car

    • Taking a baby with infant colic for a ride in the car serves two purposes. First, a baby becomes quiet and falls asleep as soon as the car begins to move. Second, parents can relax knowing that their baby is safe and calm in her car seat. Riding in the car is thought to calm infant colic because of the vibrating motion. There is now a device that can simulate the experience and is made for use in the crib.

    A Ride in a Swing

    • Parents of an infant with colic should have a swing. The rhythmic back and forth motion is soothing to the infant and if she is swaddled snugly (with her arms flexed and hands near her face) so much the better to help her relax. If it is a battery operated swing, keep lots of extra batteries on hand.


    • Pediatricians will occasionally prescribe medications to relieve gas in cases of infant colic. Several brands are available and they work well for some babies. Not all cases of colic can be attributed to gas though and results may vary.

    Misconception About Colic Relief

    • Parents of an infant with colic are sometimes advised to get a break from the crying baby by getting a sitter or relative to stay with her. A break from the relentless crying is necessary but for the female parent, it can often be more stressful to be away from her baby knowing that she is in distress.

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