Many processes like Neuro Linguistic Programming have shown us that we can change the way we feel on a dime if we choose to.
In simple terms this means that we don't have to allow ourselves or let other people determine how we behave or how we feel from one moment to the next.
Here is something you can do right off the bat to pull a positive mood from a negative one.
Focus On Things That You Appreciate Usually our moods are formed by the images and beliefs we hold in our head at any one moment, so if you woke up and were feeling negative about your job or your partner, you can switch this around fairly quickly by taking the focus completely away from all the negative aspects of your job and your partner and look again at the reasons that you agreed to date or marry them or apply for that job.
Take it further and add to the list in more general terms by listing what you appreciate in life as a whole.
Without knowing it your focus will change and you might even find yourself smiling at a thought you are having.
When I have had a delicious meal, I often think about those who can't have the same.
It makes me realize how lucky I am to be munching away on something so filling and delicious and that whatever other thing is bothering me a painfully empty stomach isn't one them.
I think about the miracle of a simple tap.
All around the world there are people who have to walk for half a day to get 'fresh' water.
If so much time is expended on this one action how on earth can they move forward significantly in life? Me? i just twist a knob and hey presto! Lucky! Lucky! Lucky!
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