Pure energy knows no distance or limits.
Long distance healing sessions can be done in the privacy of your own home.
Themarvelous thing about healing energy is that you donâEUR(TM)t have toleave your home to see a healer in person.
The distant healing is just as effective as a session done in person.
The energy healing may be done over the phone but some energy healers do not use the phone.
The client will just sit quietly at the time of the session.
An energy healer can contact youat your request and conduct a session.
Stressalso greatly affects the mental, emotional and spiritual "bodies" as well.
Energy healing, or qigong, is an effective way to bring harmony to the mind, body, emotions and enhance overall well-being.
There are many methods ofself-caresuch as more sleep, meditation, and exercise,that take care of the physical body.
With all of thetensiongoing on in ourlives on a daily basisgoing on in our daily lives, it is important to find ways topractice daily self-care .
The benefits are not only just for humans.
There have been reports of animals being more energetic and acting younger after an animal healing service.
Animal healing can be achieved using an energy healer.
Dog healing, cat healing, horse healing, and pet healing services are available for your favorite furry friend.
This is what may happen after an energetic healing session.
A sense of lightness, reduced pain, a long sleep followed by feeling more energetic, and a sense of peace according to many who have partaken in energy healing.
When the body is in balance, natural healing can take place.
An overall sense of balance of body, mind and spirit is what many who have had long distance energy healing claim.
Others say it feels like their energy centers, or chakras, have been opened and they feel theyâEUR(TM)ve experienced a chakra healing and aura balancing.
It varies from person to person.
This is what qi gong is about.
It is now becoming more popular in Western culture.
It is an ancient energy medicineand alternative energy healing system that has been used in the Far East for centuries to help with many serious health conditions.
Also Chinese practitioners believe that Qigong is very helpful inpreventing disease and promoting longevity and well being .
Qigong is a Chinese word that simply means "energy work".
In China Qigong is used to reduce stress and pain, boost the immune system, increase stamina, productivity, creativity and balance the emotions.
Your physical body and aura (energetic body) will thank you for it.
Give qigong energy healing a try.
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