Business & Finance Business News

Sheriff Joe Arapaio for President!

Joe Arpaio for President!

Sheriff Joseph M. Arpaio hasn't always been "America's Toughest Sheriff," although it sometimes seems that way. What he has also been is a U.S. Army M.P. in France, a cop on the beat on the mean streets of Washington, D.C. and Las Vegas, a federal narcotics agent, and a top D.E.A. official. But it has been as Arizona's Maricopa County's sheriff that he has earned his law enforcement notoriety.

He has to be proud to head the hit list of every criminal organization in the country as well as sitting atop the heap of every immigration and illegal alien group's Most Wanted list. Of course, illegal aliens are criminals as well, by definition, so that may be somewhat redundant.

Joe is under fire again, as if he ever isn't, for his policy of detaining illegal immigrants, aka illegal aliens, aka criminals: [].

It seems this particular brand of criminal is upset over Joe's odd penchant for enforcing the law, a penchant not shared by such people as San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom, also charged with that same legal responsibility which they choose to ignore in favor of declaring their cities free havens for said criminals.

Joe Arpaio doesn't ignore the law, he enforces it, as is his responsibility. The law breakers, on the other hand, want him not to enforce it and showed up in Phoenix Saturday to protest against Sheriff Joe. Following that receation, one of their leaders, Salvador Reza, said in a press release, "We are excited to see such a strong and peaceful showing of opposition to the wrong-headed policies of Sheriff Joe Arpaio... 5,000 [media and police estimated the total to be 1,000] marched today to make sure that the abuses that we've suffered under for far too long move from the local to being dealt with on the national level as well."

There are so many things wrong with that whole picture that it almost defies description. Illegal aliens march and protest? Illegal aliens attack an elected official's enforcement of legal statutes as "wrong-headed?" Illegal aliens claim they are abused? Illegal aliens want to ensure their grievances are addressed locally and nationally?

Someone should buy Reza and his companeros a dictionary, have them look up the definition of "illegal," and then remind them that they broke our laws by entering on our soil whether by swimming, wading, or trucking across the Rio Grande, by sailing in, or by flying into Phoenix Sky Harbor or Yuma or Prescott airports and then slithering off into America's woodwork.

Someone should also remind them that had they committed their crime of illegal entry in other countries they may have been shot or, as in Mexico, detained in the unfriendly confines of a Mexican prison or, for the lucky ones, summarily deported.

I'm guessing any illegal alien would prefer,...

(Read the rest of this Arpaio article at

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