We all struggle with this part of dieting because lets face it we are used to consuming large and satisfying portions.
Well, cutting your calories by 25 % can be very beneficial not only to your health but also to your waistline.
In this article I will provide the reader with some of the best ways to minimize ones daily calorie consumption.
- If you are fond of restaurants, you should be aware of the fact that their meals are 4 times larger than they should be (and that's not including the appetizer).
So remember to pack up at least half of your meal as soon as it arrives in order to reduce the temptation of finishing it all. - When eating at home, be certain that you make your portion size smaller.
Instead of a big dinner plate, try to eat from a smaller plate. - Eat the low calorie foods first.
If you have a plate with veggies and meat, be sure that you fill up on the veggies first.
You should also consider eating slowly.
Doing so gives your brain the time to register that you are full before you start to overeat. - Switch to the low cal alternatives.
This can be applied to dairy products, condiments, and even protein.
Instead of meat every night, opt for fish or beans. - Eat plenty of fruits and veggies.
They are low in calories and rich in water which makes them very filling.
If you want to lose weight you should also look into all natural diet pills.