Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

Charming Women Is Learned

You probably find yourself at men who seem to charm women easily.
You are most likely feeling insecure because no matter what you do women you approach tend to reject you instantly.
Then you find yourself saying that you are not born to charm women that you do not have this gift that some men do.
You then conclude that you can do nothing and you will spend the rest of your life miserable and alone.
However, that reality is charisma or charm is not bestowed upon birth.
In fact, a good number of experts claim that this can be learned through constant practice and application.
They also say that it is natural for you to experience several rejections at first, but in the end, you will eventually reap the rewards of your toil.
To learn how to charm women you must first learn how to control anxiety.
Controlling is emphasized because it is highly impossible to eliminate this feeling completely.
In addition to that, a little bit of anxiety can help you steer back to the right direction during a conversation.
For example, during the course of your conversation you begin to focus on yourself.
When notice her becoming impatient, you tend to feel uncomfortable and you end up finding ways to steer the conversation back in the right track.
This is a good thing.
You cannot master charisma in one setting.
As mentioned, it will take practice before you get the hang of it.
The best way to do this is by pushing the limits a step further each time you talk to women.
Take for example, in each day you try to converse with a certain kind of woman.
You can start with the simple ones, then with the boyish women, and then followed by sophisticated women.
Start with short conversations until you reach the point where you can keep them interested for more than 30 minutes.
The next time you see someone charm a woman, do not feel insecure because all it takes to master this skill is a lot of practice.

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