Mating hermit crabs can be a challenging task, and there are many steps involved above and beyond the normal care of hermit crabs to successfully breed these little guys.
First, and most importantly, you'll need to ensure you have a male and female crab.
Unless you are an expert in hermit crabs, it may be best to visit your local pet store to ensure you have a male and female crab pair.
Some have theories in how to assess a male from a female, but again, these are just theories.
You can assess a male and female by the size of the claws, skin color, and hair on their body.
Understandably when mating hermit crabs, you'll want to select the crabs which have been on a healthy diet and remain that way under your care.
Calcium is also an important dietary supplement when attempting to mate hermit crabs.
Give them foods rich in calcium when preparing the mating process.
In nature, females will lay her eggs in the sand along the beach.
One of the most important steps in mating crabs is to replicate this ocean environment to make the crabs as comfortable as possible to breed in captivity.
The following six steps outlines the hermit crab mating process and helps to ensure the best possible chances for breeding: 1.
) Set Up Your Salt Water Tank - Since these guys are born by salt water, it's only natural to have an environment where your crabs feel comfortable to mate and for the female to lay her eggs.
You can also create an outside pond environment, which is actually more natural for your mating hermit crabs.
) Water Temperature - Ensure the water temperature is between 72 - 80 degrees, as your crabs are sensitive to water temperature and may become ill or not desire to mate if the temperature is warmer or colder.
) Setting Up Waves - You will want to begin by creating motion in your pond and setting up waves to replicate the natural environment.
Many biologists agree that this helps the mating process because your crabs enjoy the motion and natural setting.
You can easily purchase a wave machine at your local pet store or on the Internet for better selection and pricing.
) Setting Up Moonlight - You'll want to mimic the natural environment by adding moonlight bulbs around your tank or the pond you've set up for your mating hermit crabs.
This step will put them at ease to be more susceptible to breed, which usually occurs in the evening hours.
) Connecting Your Crabs - When you're done setting up the environment, it's time to get your lucky crabs back together.
It will be natural for them to continue with their ritual.
You can leave them in the tank for a few weeks, as it may take this amount of time for them to mate.
When you see "strange activity" this will be the mating ritual.
When they begin to "act normal" the mating process has been completed.
) Keep Supplies Handy - You'll want to keep fruits, vegetables, and lots of brine shrimp for the crabs.
You'll also want to change their water daily and ensure no infection of mites or fleas.
Since your new babies will be approx 5mm in size, it would be best to keep tiny shells handy for the babies to make home.
When your mating hermit crabs are done, it will take about one month before you see little babies.
Following these simple steps will help ensure successful crab mating.
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