Pets & Animal Exotic Pets

Little Known Facts About Ferrets

Ferrets are very interesting creatures and perhaps it is one of the many reasons that they are increasingly being domesticated as pets.
Although much has been said about this animal, there are still a lot more things you can discover.
Indeed, ferrets do hold some unusual and little known facts about them.
Perhaps one fact that most people do not entirely understand regarding ferrets is that they are actually not meant to be in the wild.
In fact, only one species of the ferret family, the black foot ferret, is the only one to be known as wild animals and even they are still categorized up until now to be endangered mammals.
Perhaps what makes it difficult for them to survive in the wild is the complexity of their nutritional requirements.
Ferrets are naturally obligate carnivores which mean that they can only process protein and they cannot entirely be good with vegetative materials.
In the wild, it may be quite difficult for them especially if they have consumed crop products and such.
Another little known fact about ferrets is that they have the tendency to sleep for long hours which is commonly termed as 'dead sleep'.
Since ferrets are very active and energetic animals, they make up for the lost energy through their diet and sleep.
However, sometimes their sleep may go as long as 14 to 18 hours which is unbelievable for some.
Even some ferret owners may be a little concerned especially if it is their first time to encounter such a behavior of the ferret.
In their dead sleep, ferrets may seem like they are in a coma and even if you try to wake them up it absolutely will not work.
Aside from these facts, ferrets also reach sexual maturity at such a young age, around 5 to 6 months.
This means that if you are in no way planning to breed your ferrets, then you should have them spayed as early as possible.
Spaying is the process wherein the reproductive organs of your ferrets are removed in order to prevent the events of being pregnant and being in heat.
If you only own one ferret then spaying is very much advisable especially if you own a female one.
This is so because a female ferret has high chances of dying if she goes into heat and does not undergo the process of mating.
Moreover, if you own a pet ferret, then it is likely that you have already encountered its musky odor.
However, frequent bathing to remove it will even make the odor worse.
What you should do is bathe your ferret at least once every two or three weeks to regulate the production of oil.
Frequent bathing may actually cause their coats to be dry and thus increasing the production of their skin oil.
The more skin oil present in their bodies, the more likely that the odor will be stronger.
Lastly, if you want to buy a ferret, then you should know that they are all born white.
Later on would you be able to truly distinguish their color if they have fully grown.
Furthermore, overtime their colors can also change depending on the season.
So when you see that something may be different with their coat colors, then you should not think that it is abnormal.
Ferrets hold a lot of unusual things about them and perhaps along the way you will discover them little by little.

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