There are some essentials for your pet, like food, water, and a cage, but bedding is extremely important to your ferrets well being as well.
They sleep anywhere from eighteen to twenty hours a day and are most active around dusk and dawn.
This means that considering what and where it sleeps is important to its habits.
Typically, ferrets sleep in blocks of two to six hours with their waking hours very active.
They are very playful, fun loving creatures.
They can also be very loving companions, if the opportunity is given to them.
When mulling over a supply list for your new house pet, consideration of bedding and sleeping arrangements need to be done carefully.
The reason being is that sometimes, if not taken care of properly, ferrets may find their bedding dangerous.
Their bedding needs to be soft and they need to be able to cuddle into it.
They need a comfortable area to call their own.
If circumstances allow, two sleeping areas may be better than one.
Typically choosing one that is warmer and the other one with lighter bedding will be good.
The reason for this is, if its sleep is disturbed, it may result in health problems.
When choosing bedding, a hammock may be the best option for you because they not only offer added safety for your pet; they also allow heat to escape so your pet does not get too hot.
Another good thing is that they come in many shapes and sizes along with numerous different patterns.
Larger hammocks can accommodate numerous ferrets so that they may sleep together.
They love to sleep together as they are very social animals.
The hammocks opening, which resembles a pocket that is suspended on its side, allows heat to escape and allows air to enter the pouch.
The design allows for your ferret to be less likely to overheat and suffer heat stroke.
Not only that, but it also allows for its body temperature to be regulated.
When playing around in their cage, sometimes ferrets can fall from heights that might hurt them.
When having a hammock in the cage, some of these falls can be avoided.
The ferret may also use the hammock to boost itself higher to reach a ledge it wants to lay on.
A well rested ferret means a healthy one.
They are very susceptible to heat stroke and this is the main reason that bedding has some sort of ventilation.
Ferrets have no sweat glands so they cannot cool themselves by sweating.
Heat stroke could kill your ferret, so precautions to avoid it are a must.
They need some sort of cooling mechanism if the area they are in is above 80 degrees.
They are very active, intelligent, loving creatures.
Caring for them is not difficult, but it is important to prepare for them and understand their needs before bringing one home.
Understanding the importance of each object and its design will help you build a happy and safe environment for your new furry friend.
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