1Click "Queries" in the "Objects" list on the left side. Click "New" and "Design View." Click "Close" > "View" > "SQL View." Queries like this with complex formulas work better if you type into the SQL window instead of running a "Wizard."
Type a query in the following format to display a date field in the native format.
Select fieldname from tablename.
Substitute fieldname for any field containing a date in the database and tablename for the table that contains the field. Click the red exclamation point in the toolbar to run this query. This should show a column of dates in whatever format you defined for that field.
Change the query to incorporate the format function with the following syntax.
Select format(fieldname, "dddd") from tablename.
Again substitute the actual field and table names. The "dddd" should be entered exactly as shown, including the quotes.
Click the red exclamation in the toolbar to run this version of the query to display the day of the week.