Society & Culture & Entertainment Religion & Spirituality

Use Witchcraft To Bring Love Into Your Life

Love is difficult, uncertain and rarely obedient. It can also be wondrous, passionate and fill us with unparalleled joy. Is it any wonder, with all the things that love is, that those who practice magick are inevitably drawn to love spells?

The clichd notion of a love spell that overpowers a person's mind and forces them to fall in love with another is a far cry from the ways that modern witchcraft is able to bring love into a person's life. The basic tenant of magickal practice is summed up in the Wiccan Rede, "An ye harm none, do what ye will." Obviously, controlling the mind of another is potentially harmful to them, and so actual love spells are usually quite different from what the mythology surrounding them might indicate.

Though casting a spell to force someone to love you is unethical and potentially dangerous, there are many ways to use witchcraft to bring love into your life. It is possible to try to attract (or re-attract) the love of someone who is already in your life. Just be mindful not to put anything in your spell that involves them losing their free will. Love spells can be a potent force in opening yourself up to and attracting love. The first question to ask is why you are looking for love in the first place.

Ready to Move On - Use Witchcraft To Help You

Perhaps you are recovering from a bad relationship or a failed love. If this is the case, magick can help you cope with your pain and your loss and prepare you to move on. If you are in love with someone who is not able to love you back, you can also use magick to put the past behind you.

Another part of emotional and spiritual growth is recognizing our own faults and acting to improve upon them. A spell designed to help with personal growth can also be a love spell. Being in good mental health being able to view past relationships in a positive light are important factors in developing new, healthy relationships.

To Be Recovered, Whole & Ready to Love Again Spell

Tools and Ingredients

Alter or Sacred Space

One white candle

One pink candle

Sage incense

Sandalwood oil

Frankincense oil

A pin


Step 1. After collecting the tools and ingredients, prepare your space according to your own ritual, or by lightly sprinkling salt in a circle around yourself while speaking the following words: I consecrate this place/ for the Goddess within and without/ Only love and good can remain/ hate and evil are cast out.

Step 2. After the space has been prepared, light the sage incense. Spend some time in quiet meditation on the work you will be performing.

Step 3. When your thoughts are clear and free of emotion, take up the pin and the white candle. Think of all of the things that you are ready to put behind you. Using the pin, carve words into the wax that represent the things you are leaving behind.

Step 4. Place a few drops of sandalwood and frankincense oil in your hand and anoint the candle by rubbing the oil along the length. As you anoint the candle, remain mindful of those things that you are putting behind you.

Step 5. Put the candle in a holder on the alter, light it and speak the following words:
As this candle burns/ I call on the Powers around me for aid/ that I shall heal the wounds of my past/ and let the sadness and the pain fade/ that I shall be cleansed and free.

Step 6. Take the pink candle and carve into it words that represent you, healed and whole, and the lessons you have learned.

Step 7. Place a few drops of sandalwood and frankincense oil in your hand and anoint the candle by rubbing the oil along the length. As you anoint the candle, remain mindful of those things that you are putting behind you.

Step 8. Put the candle in a holder on the alter, light it and speak the following words:
As this candle burns/ I call on the Powers around me for aid/ that I shall remember the lessons I have learned/ and grow always to love myself better/ that I shall never forget to see the beauty of Goddess within myself.

Step 9. Allow the candles to burn themselves out while remaining attentive to them. Focus your energy to casting out all that which is negative and in the past by repeating the first incantation and drawing in all that which is positive and hopeful by repeating the second incantation.

Note: It is most effective to perform this spell over a number of days by relighting the candles each day and repeating the incantations.

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