- 1). Locate the VGA sockets on your laptop and your television. If you use a Mac computer, you may need to purchase a small adapter cord in order to use the VGA male-to-male 15-pin connector cord between the two devices.
- 2). Insert the ends of the connector cord into the sockets securely and make sure the metal rods on the left and right of the connector cord connect to the receptors on your computer or LCD television if they have them.
- 3). Connect the sound feed of the laptop to your television. Many times, the VGA connector cord comes with a plug to insert into your computer's headphone jack. Look for this when you purchase your VGA cord. If the connector cord does not have this option, use a 3.5 mm speaker cable. Plug one end into your laptop's headphone jack and the other end into your LCD flat-screen television.
- 4). Make the computer screen visible on your television. If the LCD television does not automatically pick up the picture on your laptop screen, you will need to set it up to do so manually through your laptop. To do this, hold down the function key (Fn) while holding down F8 or F11, whichever key has "CRT/LCD" printed on it. This will switch your display settings instantly and make your laptop screen visible on your TV.
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