This study assessed whether implementation of a stepped-care strategy for knee and hip osteoarthritis would be hampered by the attitudes of general practitioners regarding such guidelines.
Whether you're planning a practical joke or helping a friend fake a common cold, knowing how to make someone sneeze is a valuable skill. Follow these easy steps and learn how you can coax a sneeze each and every time.
This study explored general practitioners' perceptions about explaining medically unexplained symptoms to patients and about how relationships with these patients evolve over time in daily practice.
When it's too hot or cold outside to enjoy your favorite type of aerobic exercise, rather than skipping your workout, bring it indoors. There are a variety of indoor low-impact aerobic exercise options that provide cardiovascular benefits without being stressful on your joints. Walking, swimming, sp
A diagnosis, or even a suspicion, of childhood obesity can be frightening for parents and kids. If your child is overweight or at risk, learn more about this condition and how you can improve your child's health.
The ability to easily detect frailty in a primary care visit could help improve care of the elderly. Can walking speed be used as an indicator that could facilitate early diagnosis?
When presented with patients complaining of chest pain, primary care providers are trained to elicit the exact pain location. But is this a reliable diagnostic tool?
Do parents have an accurate understanding of what causes acute otitis media? Do their expectations regarding treatment conflict with evidence-based recommendations?
When your child plays sports, it's important for you to show support. Coaches and volunteers especially deserve your help, and offering it helps your child play better, learn more, and enjoy sports.
Many pharmaceuticals are packaged in glass ampules so that their contents will only be touched by solid glass. Open a glass ampule with care by following these steps.
As of fall 2014, anyone involved in youth sports can earn a concussion certification to affirm their knowledge about sports concussion prevention and treatment.
How common are patients with persistent MUPS--defined as conditions characterized by symptoms without corresponding objective findings--in general practice?
This analysis of posts on a popular health web site indicates that recurrent urinary tract infections have a far greater impact on the quality of women's lives than is commonly believed.