Category : Copyrights : Law & Legal & Attorney

How to Copyright in Ireland

Irish copyright law protects intellectual creative properties like literary and dramatic works, film and sound recordings, communications broadcasts and computer software. The copyright is automatic once the work is created and extends for the creator's lifetime and an additional 70 years. It does n

Japan Copyright Laws

While the nation of Japan is home to a very ancient culture, artistic copyright law is a fairly recent concept. The first copyright law in Japan, the Berne Convention, was signed in 1899. This law helped to provide equal protection for creative works from multiple countries. Today, the...

Laws on Copyright

Copyright laws protect authors of original works from illegal use of their intellectual property. These laws are often misunderstood and commonly violated, sometimes unintentionally. To fully understand copyright law, you should know what types of work are copyrightable, who is entitled to own a cop