Law & Legal & Attorney Copyrights

Performing Arts Copyright Information

If you are trying to register any type of performing art you should follow the copyright process as explained here.
Performing arts can generally be described as any artistic work intended to be "performed" directly in front of an audience or indirectly "by means of a device or process".
This includes motion pictures, audiovisual presentations, dramatic works in script form including accompanying music and musical works with accompanying words.
The phrase above "intended to be performed" is crucial in determining whether to register as a performing art or as a sound recording.
If you register the words and music as a performing art you are protected, but if you record a performance of the song you must then register that performance as a sound recording.
If you fall within this category you should register for a performing arts copyright.
The second step is to put together a package including either a form PA or short form PA, a check for $30 made out to the "Register of Copyrights" and a non-returnable copy of the materials that are being registered.
The form PA and short form PA can be obtained at the copyright offices website at http://www.
under the performing arts tab.
If you are registering a musical work or a motion picture you will be required to deposit one copy of the recording and a copy of the music or shooting script in this package.
Finally address the package to...
Library of Congress Copyright Office 101 Independence Avenue, S.
Washington, D.
20559-6000 As soon as the copyright office receives your package and confirms that it has been received in proper order your copyright is considered to be in effect.
You will receive written confirmation in the mail shortly thereafter.
They will contact you with details if something is missing or out of place.

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