Category : Copyrights : Law & Legal & Attorney

Web Copyright Laws

Web authors should always check to make sure their content does not infringe on other's copyright symbol image by Angie Chauvin from Fotolia.comInformation and images are easily copied between various websites, which could lead to copyright infringement. To avoid...

About Copyright Laws for Movies

Copyright is the protection afforded the original author(s) or creator(s) of certain works of art and some intellectual properties. These works include, but are not limited to, books, computer software, music, photographs, paintings and movies. The law, "Title 17 of the U.S. Code," allows the origin

Rules for Downloading Music

When in doubt, always elect to pay for music you download.guitar guitarist music musical instrument image by david hughes from Fotolia.comDigitally downloading music has slowly but steadily gained speed as the preferred method of purchasing music in the United States. Copyright laws...

Copyrights for Ebooks

Though ebooks may not have a physical form like hardcover or paperback books, it does not mean they aren't protected by copyright law just as other types of intellectual property are. In fact, they are protected not only from being plagiarized, but also from being copied or distributed in either dig

Digital Copyright Laws

The inception and prolific growth of the Internet led to a variety of questions about the legality of a number of copyright issues resulting to digital forms of media. The United States Congress passed the Digital Millennium Copyright Act to address these issues.