We all know article writing is the best thing for getting targeted traffic to our website for free, make us look like an expert on our given topic and fantastic from creating back links to our website for SEO purposes.
But there is wrong way and right way to write an article?? What should you do, Commandment no.
Always put the reader first, with so much information on the internet people are bombarded with article, newsletters, mailings every day so why should they take the time to read yours? You should always give great content you may feel that you're spilling the beans or giving away all your secrets, but who says you have to give it all away.
You can give your readers a taster of what you know and then when they're hooked and find themselves down at the bottom of the article and no where else to go, lead them on to your website where they can either read more about it orif they want purchase to find out more.
We all know that the majority of website have a poor conversion rate 1% but by bringing your customer in after reading an article you've put the odds in your favor of getting a sale because they've gotten to trust you because an article has your personality in it and you can gain more trust because of it.
So I suppose you could call your article a pre-sale or a soft sell rather a website screaming...
buy me!...
buy me! ...
written all over it.
Also remember if your visitor has come from an article rather than a click through from some banner ad or adword ad they now have an easier chance of getting back to your site because they remember you from the article.
And also as a side note...
if your article is good quality it'll probably get passed from one person to another (You never heard anyone say "Hey I saw a great banner ad today you should have seen it!..
or here's a copy of it!..
this can happen to articles!") That concludes today's lesson, and remember if you do write a good article it'll get passed around and around and who know it may be around when you're grand kids are surfing the net!
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