- In order to set up your own anonymous email service, you'll need to find a hosting service that supports PHP and the sendmail protocol, including the simple mail transfer protocol. Sign up for the service and create an account. There are a variety of hosting services on the internet, it does not matter which one you decide to use as long as it supports the required protocols.
- Create a file called "mail.php" in Window's Notepad. Paste the following code into your mail.php file:
<? /*
(C) NOmeR1
*/ ?>
<title>Sender Anonym Email :: FLoodeR :: SpameR</title>
<? // error_reporting (0);
if(!set_time_limit(0)) { $limit = false;
} else { set_time_limit(0); ignore_user_abort(1); $limit = true;
$log = 'log.txt'; // Log file
ini_set('max_execution_time', '0');
set_time_limit(0) = <?if($limit)echo('<font color=Green>On</font>');else
echo('<font color=Red>Off</font> (Working time is limited with the current settings of the server)');?><br>
$ip = getenv('REMOTE_ADDR');
if($_GET['mail'] == '1' || $_GET['mail'] == '2' || $_GET['mail'] == '3')
$_POST['to'] = stripslashes($_POST['to']); $_POST['msg'] = stripslashes($_POST['msg']); $_POST['from'] = stripslashes($_POST['from']); $_POST['subject'] = stripslashes($_POST['subject']);
if($_POST['to'] && $_POST['msg'] && $_POST['from'] && $_POST['tipe'])
{ $headers = "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n"; $headers .= "Content-type: text/".$_POST['tipe']."; charset=windows-1251\r\n"; $headers .= "From: ".$_POST['from']."\n";
if($_GET['mail'] == '1')
{ mail($_POST['to'], $_POST['subject'], $_POST['msg'], $headers) or die('Cannot send the message');
elseif($_GET['mail'] == '2')
{ $_POST['to'] = explode("\n",$_POST['to']);
foreach($_POST['to'] as $poluchatels)
{ mail($poluchatels, $_POST['subject'], $_POST['msg'], $headers) or die('Cannot send the message');
elseif($_GET['mail'] == '3')
{ mail($_POST['to'], $_POST['subject'], $_POST['msg'], $headers) or die('Cannot send the message'); sleep(1);
echo('Incorrect (or not entered) number of messages');
} $f = fopen($log,'a'); fwrite($f,'Message sent &'.$_POST['msg'].'& with subject "'.$_POST['subject'].'" for "'.$_POST['to'].'" from IP - "'.$ip."\"\r\n"); fclose($f);
echo('<center><b><font color="green">Message succesfully sent</font></b></center>');
{ ?>
<form style="width:350px" method='post'>
<? if($_GET['mail'] == '1' || $_GET['mail'] == '3')
echo("Receiver <input type='text'name='to'><br>");
} ?>
Sender <input type='text' name='from'><br>
Subject <input type='text' name='subject'><br>
<? if($_GET['mail'] == '3')
echo("Amount of messages <input type='text' name='kol'><br>");
} ?>
htm -> <input type='radio' checked='checked' tabindex='1' name='tipe' value='html'> :: <input type='radio' name='tipe' value='plain'><- text<br>
<? if($_GET['mail'] == '2')
echo("Receivers<br><textarea name='to' rows='10' cols='30'>admin@fbi.org
} ?>
<textarea name='msg' rows='10' cols='30'></textarea><br><br><input type='submit'>
<? }
} else { ?><br>
<a href='<?=$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']?>?mail=1'>Send simple message</a><br>
<a href='<?=$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']?>?mail=2'>Spam</a><br>
<a href='<?=$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']?>?mail=3'>Flood</a><br>
<? } ?> - Upload the mail.php file to your hosting service in the public_html directory. Make sure that the Notepad file has the extension ".php" prior to uploading. Open your Web browser and type in your server name followed by mail.php. This will open the file you've uploaded to your server. You can now send anonymous email from your own server by using the form on your screen.
- If you want to create your own anonymous email service rather than using an existing service, keep in mind that there are a variety of other ways to create your own service including using Dark Mailer software or an alternative anonymous email script.
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