Obviously every event of deliverance since the beginning of time is not recorded in the Bible.
But have you ever read a story of deliverance in the Bible and wondered why certain incidents are included and others are not? I have often wondered the same thing and have come to a conclusion.
A number of years ago, I was in the initial stages of writing a book on God's healing.
I began to take note that there were many different records about healing in the Bible.
I observed that you could read about people of all ages getting healed, youngsters all the way to mature adults.
I also discovered that there were some accounts where the names of the persons receiving healing were mentioned.
But in other accounts the name was not even mentioned.
I saw that not only did those called "believers" receive healing, but those who might be considered "outsiders" also received healing.
Then I noticed the variety of infirmities.
There are records of people getting healed who were lame, deaf, dumb, blind, had a withered hand, were mentally deranged and many other infirmities.
You can read accounts of someone receiving healing immediately after getting ill as well as someone receiving deliverance after suffering for many years.
It was amazing to me to see that the healing from God in the Bible brought deliverance from everything from a fever all the way to an incurable disease.
As a matter of fact you can read of God's healing deliverance for someone who was about to die.
Of course, there are also records of perhaps the grandest healing of all, someone being raised from the dead.
Having looked at so many records in the Bible as I was preparing my book, I found myself asking the question over and over.
Why did these specific accounts of healing end up in the Bible? Surely there were other accounts that could have been included, so why these? Then it hit me.
It became so clear and obvious.
It was also very inspiring.
You must first understand my position when it comes to the Bible.
I do not believe that it is a collection of wise old writings that some religious people put together haphazardly.
I do not believe it is a nice collection of ancient history.
I believe that the Bible, as it testifies of itself, is the word of God.
I believe that the Scriptures were inspired by God.
I believe that God told the writers what to write and that they wrote what He said to write.
Of course I am aware that there are no known original texts in existence today.
But I do believe that God protects His Word.
I believe that if we honestly look at and examine what we do have, that we can learn what God has communicated to mankind.
The conclusion that I came to in studying the topic of healing was that God put in the Scriptures what He wanted so as to inspire people and give them confidence to believe Him.
The many records of healing that you can read about in the Bible are very inspiring.
And the wide variety of records should leave no doubt for someone seeking healing from God.
In seeing what is recorded in the Bible concerning healing, once can clearly see that healing from God is not limited to your age, who you are, what your name is, or even what "group" you are with.
It is not limited to any particular sickness or illness you may have, or how long you may have had it.
There are no limits or boundaries for receiving healing from God.
I find that very inspiring and very powerful.
It gives people hope that there is no illness that God cannot bring healing deliverance.
It gives people confidence that it doesn't matter who they are, God can still heal them.
And then I started thinking about other categories that are in the Bible.
You can read about God's help in matters of finance and other personal areas.
You can see God's help and protection when one person is attacked, or, when a whole city or even a nation is attacked.
The truth is that Bible is full of records of deliverance in many categories.
Why? He put them in there to inspire you and me to believe and trust Him.
And, no, not every single act of God's help is in the Scriptures, but the ones He wanted you and I to see are.
Imagine what would happen if someone decided to accept the Bible as the word of God and read it and believe it? Imagine how their confidence in God would grow.
Imagine how they could then be so inspired to believe Him and receive from Him.