Flirting online is the same as flirting offline. The same basic principles apply. Most successful relationships starts with flirting with just the right amount of confidence. Not having enough is a turn off and showing more than necessary is more like a jerk. It is even more of a challenge when all you got is a computer connected to the internet and a dating site membership. But it is enough to flirt successfully using some of the following tips.
Prepare yourself to be fun, smiling and happy. It is always an attractive quality to be positive than being all dark and gloomy. Make talking to you fun and light. This way she will only have happy memories about you. Make her laugh all the time with jokes or something you can use.
Talk to her with confidence, playful and positive. Don't bring up anything that would ruin the moment. Only talk about things that would make her want to talk more. Use compliments if necessary, but only if you are sincere about it. Make her feel really good about herself, she will always remember you for the good times.
A very good listener goes a long way with flirting. Asking the right questions comes from listening to what she is actually saying. Asking the right questions will lead to her telling more about herself. Asking the right questions will make her feel that you are really interested and her interesting.
Don't be a sore loser. If they are not returning your flirts move on. There are a lot more prospect out there. Having a lot of failures means you have to rethink your strategy, think of a new approach, a better way to open the conversation and break the ice.
Take it slow, don't move too fast and have fun.
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