Business & Finance Electronic Commerce

What Not To Do When Choosing A Web Analytics Solution

How many of us know web analytics inside out when we settle on a system? It is not uncommon to find marketers who do not really understand web analytics solutions but have to invest in one anyway. And that is not much of a surprise since web analytics is all about technology. So there are the technology guys and the marketers in your organization and somewhere in between the two is the company's web analytics solution.

When setting out to find the perfect web analytics solution there are many questions to be answered. It is not unheard of that companies invest in a system that does not give back results and they have to shell out more on something that might be more effective. So before you start, know what you are doing. And part of that, of course, is to know what you should avoid doing.

As mentioned earlier, decisions related to web analytics solutions almost always dangle between the marketers and the IT division in an organization. Some might believe that IT technicians might be better equipped to handle such a situation and that marketers do not have the background to understand the intricacies of web based solutions. That might or might not be true, but no matter what the situation in your organization might be, it is not a good idea for marketers to wash their hands off the decisions completely. The reason for this being that web analytics has marketing related goals. The whole point of web analytics is to better understand your site visitors and to see how that information can be used to better reach your goals. So given the situation, one thing marketers should not do is leave web analytics completely to the IT guys. That does not mean you work separate from the technicians; working together is key.

Another reason that IT and marketing should constantly work together is to ensure you know what you want from your software when you settle on one. The tendency is to start research about the various solutions available but that is not really going to be effective unless you know what you are looking for. The best thing to do would be to list down exactly what you hope to achieve from a web analytics solution and take it from there. The software that can get you where you want to be should be your choice. Make your mind up about what you want and then go looking for a vendor, not vice versa.

The final decision when choosing a web analytics solution is far from easy. And it would be quite tempting to do what others are. But think of it this way: are your needs the same as others? Most probably not. That is why making your decision based on what others are using does not really work. What you need to do is to look at what your organization needs specifically and make a decision based on that. Part of the decision is also being realistic about if you must have a web analytics solution at all or if you really need to update your old system.

And that, too, is a pothole to avoid. Many times marketers get so excited by the possibility of having a new system that they do not really consider if it is necessary in the first place. If you already have a solution in place make sure you are making the most of it. If it is not giving you the results you want, the problem might be with how you are using it and not with the software's capabilities itself. Analyze the situation before you decide to invest a bundle of cash on a new system.

And your analysis should not only include your present web analytics system but also your other applications. If you are introducing (or reintroducing) a system into your organization, it is extremely important that this new software gels with the other softwares that are in place already. Web analytics solutions rarely work by themselves these days and you need to ensure that when your software is put into place it will make things easier, not harder, for you.

At the end of the day, you need to be aware that a web analytics solution is only a software; it is not a magical formula. If you are expecting the software to solve all of your customer related problems then you are going to be deeply disappointed. A large part of how well the solution would work for you depends on how you decide to use it. Be aware that technology is ever changing; a software that works for you right now might not do the trick two or three years down the line.

When you decide to choose a web analytics solution it is best that you tread carefully. After all it is a significant investment and a software is worthwhile only as long as it gives you results. The decision needs to be a well informed one and one that is taken without impulsiveness.

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