Everyone wants top 10 rankings as though just because they wished it that should make it so.
Wishing has nothing to do with rankings.
Unless you have a genie in a bottle, we all know it simply just doesn't work that way.
How about I get you thinking differently about this issue? Don't Chase Search Engines-Let Them Chase You! How is that possible? Become a Search Engine All-You-Can-Eat Buffet!! I can hear you out there..
"Yeah, sure!" Well, it's not that difficult of a methodology really.
All you have to do is think differently than all the hype, amateur Web designers and unscrupulous marketing "gurus" have led you to believe about how getting found works.
First off, what search engines like is fresh content and lots of it; yummy! That's the fuel for their fire so to speak.
So it goes without saying that if you keep adding new content on a regular basis that will encourage search engines to visit your site because you'll have a fresh buffet of tempting entrées.
How do search engines know you have new content? Certainly not by osmosis! If you make the effort in the appropriate areas, much of which the costs are minimal, they'll get a whiff of the appetizing content you have to offer and act like they are at an all-you-can-eat buffet!!Your site will be like Mama's house on a Sunday afternoon.
You know what I mean; dinner smells so good everyone in the house can't wait to get a plateful! That's how it goes with search engines and content.
If you don't have savory content-why should search engines visit you and give you higher rankings over those who serve up a delicious all-you-can-eat Sunday dinner? The answer is they don't.
The "build it and they will come" way of thinking does not apply to Web sites in this day and age, so everyone needs to wash that concept right out of their hair.
All it takes is for you to be prepared to mix, cook and serve.
Mix up a new article, cook it to perfection and serve it to the hungry search engines! That's not too much to ask to succeed online is it? If it is, well, maybe you should reconsider your online endeavors.
If you don't want to make these efforts, just forget about achieving no charge organic/natural listings.
You'll never rank anywhere near the top so determine your PayPerClick budget and go setup your campaign straight away.
Now let's setup your buffet! Start a blog that you post to continually and submit it to all the blog directories.
Make sure your blog offers a subscribe feature so visitors get notified by e-mail when you enter a new post.
Also offer RSS and podcasting feeds of your blog posts so that visitors can get your information in as many flavors as they choose.
See? Your mouthwatering buffet is growing! Onliners visit your blog and then follow the links to the scrumptious new articles on your site.
They like your articles and link to them or post them on their site with a link to yours.
Incoming links to your site; lip smacking good! You also offer an RSS feed of your top articles to get the word out.
You add your new articles to your site map.
Google checks for your site map XML file and updates its index with your freshly baked content.
You add your seasoned articles to all the article banks that have popped up in the last year or so-more delectable links to your site! Can you see what is happening? We are creating a feeding frenzy! This interactive medium called the Web is now more interactive than ever.
At first when it all began, "interactive" meant some flashing this or moving that.
Now interactive means just that; you need to interact and be involved by using all these tools or you'll be left in the dumpster by those who do.
One thing is sure; chasing search engine algorithms is a futile effort at best.
But when you have the nourishment they want, tasty content, search engines are hungry little bots and it's hard to keep them away.
Food for thought? You bet! Open your own buffet today and feed the beast!
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