Pets & Animal Pets Cats

The Most Nutritious Cat Food is Not to Be Found in the Pet Aisles of the Supermarket

The most nutritious cat food will enhance your cat's immune system, ensuring no disease or illness will take a hold.
It's far more important to feed you cat well, than it is to focus on any disease.
Why? Because if your cat's immune system is strong and healthy, no disease will become a problem.
One of the greatest causes of a compromised immune system is a bad diet.
Some of the worse diets you can feed your cat are the commercial or processed foods.
Typically these are nutrient poor.
If you cat isn't getting the right nutrients, how on earth can she be healthy and shrug off disease? Why is processed pet food bad for your cat's health? Well, lets take a look at the typical ingredients.
First the 'meat' is more likely to be fat and meat by-products (hooves, intestines and their contents, road kill, euthanised animals, etc).
This is then padded out with a cheap filler, such as melamine, sawdust, sugar, crushed nut shells, etc.
And that is the bulk of the food, if you can call it that.
Then artificial 'nutrients' are added to address the balance.
These are isolated and can't be digested.
Then highly toxic preservatives are added (despite what it says on the label) to ensure the 'food' has a long shelf life.
Preservatives that are not allowed in human food.
Does this sound anything like the most nutritious cat food you are searching for? Now lets look at a quality home made cat diet.
This consists of human grade meat and organ meat, no fillers, a couple of natural and wholefood supplements.
This is nutrient dense.
Is it more expensive? No, it's cheaper in the long run, for two reasons.
One - you don't need to give so much of the nutritious food, compared with the poor quality.
Two - your cat is healthy, so doesn't require anything like as much veterinary care.
Finding the most nutritious cat food will make your cat happier and your wallet lighter.

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