Everyone knows cats don't like to get wet.
The only water they want is the water in their bowl.
But once in a while your cat may need to have a bath.
If she gets into something she shouldn't have and brought it home, you will have to bathe her.
Oily mud is the worst, it'll dry but leaves the oil.
Don't let her know you are going to bathe her, or you will never see her again.
If she disappears look under the bed or in the closet, you'll have to wait until you see her again.
Dress of the job, remember she has teeth and claws she doesn't mind using.
An old long sleeve shirt should be worn and maybe some rubber gloves.
Get out at least two towels, if you don't have cat shampoo you can use baby shampoo, flea shampoo, or a mild shampoo and conditioner.
It may take two people if the she is strong and can get out of your hands.
Hold on tight.
Put a mat or towel in the bottom of the tub, give her something to hold on to and make her feel more secure.
Put 4-5 inches of warm water in the tub before you put her in, running water sometimes frightens cats.
But sure to have extra water in buckets for rinsing.
When you put her in the tub, keep her calm by talking in a quiet voice.
Slowly pour the water over her, starting at the neck.
Soak her all over using a wash cloth, rinse off any loose dirt.
Use little shampoo and water to wash, start at the neck, lather well, then do the body, legs, belly and tail.
Don't get any shampoo in her eyes, nose, mouth or ears.
Rubs your hands all over her to work the shampoo in.
Give it a few minutes to work.
Rinse thoroughly using first the water in the tub, and finish with the extra water.
Be sure to rinse all the shampoo from her fur.
Wrap her up in a towel, rub gently to get as much water off as possible, Don't stop until she is just damp.
If your cat is short haired she can finish drying herself, just keep her out of drafts and give her a dry towel to sit on.
But if you cat is long haired you'll have to use a comb and another towel.
Long hairs mat easily when wet, so you may have to comb her until she it dry.
Give her a treat for putting up with the bath and maybe understand that having a bath is a good thing.
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