Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

3 Great Tips On Meeting Women Online

Online dating - or at least meeting women online - is a whole different ball game than traditional ways of meeting women, at least for the average single male. The good news is that there are certain things a man can do to boost his online success and bring it from the internet to the real world quickly and smoothly.

Online dating starts with your profile, and there are some definite things a man can do to catch a woman's eye - or of course, to make her move right on past you. Keep in mind that women think differently than men do about most aspects of life. You're sitting at your computer, pounding out your profile and trying to imagine exactly what a) women want to hear and b) is at least fairly close to the truth about yourself! So most guys end up saying things like, "Surely women will surely want to know what a great guy I am, how sweet and considerate I am and how I love my dog." WRONG. Do you know what women ACTUALLY think about that? "Great guys" do not need to make you believe that they are great. Their "greatness" shows through in what they write and how they make a women feel - and if you need to say you are wonderful, then you are probably NOT.

So how do you exude "greatness" without stating it? The key is using a little humor to create attraction, which will LEAD to her thinking you are a "Great Guy". Try implying instead that you are really choosy, and that you're trying online dating as a last resort because all the beautiful women you meet are boring and shallow. In doing this, you will be doing several things simultaneously - you are creating a challenge that most women with self-esteem cannot help but accept, you have told her without stating it directly that you CAN get women, you're not despondent and you have demonstrated your alpha male status by showing that you do not simply take whatever comes your way - you can BE picky.

The next step will be emailing the woman. Most people try to tell their entire life story in the first email to someone they meet online. If she has emailed you, bust her balls on something she wrote in the email and get her phone number or a time to meet her at the local coffee shop. Don't ask her - tell her! Say, "Girl, give me your number" or "Hey, meet me at Stone Mountain at 2:00 on Saturday", etc. If you are emailing HER in response to her profile - make it short and a little challenging - not complimentary or relating your attraction to her in any way. Write something like, "I noticed you said you candle-light dinners, is that because you are afraid he will see you chewing with your mouth open? C'mon, give me something I can WORK with here!" Then see what happens.

Then, step three, you've got to take things OFF the internet as quickly as you can. Once you have the interest of a woman, get her phone number, get a date set up or meet her for coffee as quickly as you can. Not to be weird or aggressive or anything, but simply because the internet methods of communications - email, IM, texting, whatever, are reallydry mediums of communication. Lots of miscommunication can happen - not to mention she may be lying to you about what she looks like or who she is. So move it from the internet to the real world as fast as you can. One great way to do this and to still allow the woman to feel safe it to propose meeting for coffee or lunch. This is very "non-date-like" and will probably get her agreement a lot faster than proposing to take her to a bar on Saturday night where you can get her drunk and then try to take her home.

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