Over the last few years in the network marketing industry there has been a shift in thinking as to how one shouldpresent their business to those who are interested.
For years networkers have been told to lead with the business opportunity as the best way to build a business.
However, some in the industry now feel that the best way to build a business is to present the products rather than the opportunity.
When you speak to a prospect which do you present first? Those new to MLM are so hyped about building a network that they think everyone they meet is anxious to get into business.
And they have been told that the way to build a business is to get as many associates to join the business under you.
The problem with this view is that not everyone is looking to be in business.
In fact, most people have no real interest at all in being in business.
Even in today's economy where many people have lost their jobs, a business venture is not on their mind.
So trying to promote a business to people who have no interest in one is a waste of your valuable time.
It can also become very discouraging.
It doesn't take many rejections before one begins to have doubts about their ability to build a business.
Giving up is not far off.
One has to realize that building a business takes time.
And one also has to realize that if you don't have any customers you don't have a business.
So it only makes sense that if you want to build a network marketing business then you should be looking for customers, not business associates.
The best way to get customers is to present them with your products.
If it is something they are looking for you may have a sale.
If they do purchase and like your products then they will likely buy again from you.
This is how you build a business by presenting your products.
The more products you sell, obviously the more money you will make.
The more customers you have the more sales you make.
Your business begins to grow.
Remember, no customers means no business.
But the question remains as to how do you get more associates, or business partners, into your business.
Once you start building a customer base, you are also building an associate base.
Some of the customers will like the products so much that they will become interested enough to want to get involved in the business opportunity.
Building a network marketing business is a long process, best achieved by building a customer base.
And when you can align yourself with others that are successful at building an MLM, your success will come sooner rather than later.
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