Business & Finance Advertising & sales & Marketing

Formula For Traffic and Income Explosion In Three Months

It begins with content- quality and unique content (C); It graduates into website-optimization (O); It grows into traffic (T); The traffic snowballs into conversion/income (I) C.
= Web revenue Growth I have put this formula into practice and within 3 months, what a modest but amazing results that I have experienced! I have also cross-checked with some of the experts, and the same spectacular results are what they have been enjoying for over 2years now.
If you can, research into unique and special niche areas/topics, which are not so over-flogged by the spammers; then: 2.
Create a website around that niche subject.
Build content DAILY with a minimum of 5 articles and/or press releases around that niche subject.
This would leave you with a minimum of 150 to 300 indexed pages at the end of each month.
You must help yourself further by setting up a Google Alert on that subject or keyword.
com is also a fantastic source of material for your niche area, just type your keyword into her search-box; from the search-results you can copy(not click, please) the reference(I don't expect you to click as an expert, I don't want us to violate Google's TOS).
Optimize, your website by submitting to the search engines, I concentrate only on the 3 Biggest ones: Google, Yahoo and MSN.
Apply for Google AdSense account, (if you don't have one already).
paste and optimize your contextual AdSense codeon your site.
Join or subscribe as affiliate to promote other products online 7.
Don't wait, but keep working on your articles and commentaries With this formula (COTI), I have seen many online writers, publishers and entrepreneurs smiled from a paltry $30-$50 in the first month, grew to $150-$200 the second month,and waxed greater to above $350-$500 by the 3rd month.
I have also heard ofentrepreneurs who maintained this pace and momentum leaped to over $1,500 -$3,000 per month by end of their first year.
This formula is by no means exhaustive, it is not also a magic wand for lazy, get-rich-quick hucksters online.
The results would come by dint of sheer dedication, creativity and HARD WORK to obtain.
In my web career, I have seen, from rough estimates of my AdSense Publisher friends, that over 85% of them earned a mediocre income of $300 and less per month from AdSense alone.
A consistent application of this formula (COTI), can turn-around the fortunes of any serious and hard-working writer in one year.
In summary, if Quality and Plenty Content is KING; then, Optimized and Targeted Traffic is the pathway to the Throne for that KING.
After all, a King without a Palace cannot command the respect befitting that royal office.

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