Health & Medical Yoga

Yoga Using Weights - For Increasing Strength Through Breath Awareness

For those who are familiar with Yoga, you know that deep breathing is the foundation of a healthy Yoga practice.
Different breathing techniques are used to open up the body and increase the energy circulation and flow within each posture or series of movements.
In yogic terms the word "prana" means breath.
Some of the most practical teachings of Yoga is this concept of "breath control".
For all of us breathing just happens, that is to say it is a natural part of our reflexes that we don't really need to give much thought to.
But, for many people, the breath is a shallow experience that does not come anywhere close to reaching it's capacity and potential the lungs were designed for.
Deep breathing calms the nerves and revitalizes the blood, turning it a bright red.
When this relaxation is used in combination with lifting weights it provides increased focus, concentration and an improved muscle building workout.
Most weight lifting injuries occurred, in fact, when someone is not centered and present with the task at hand.
They are "in their head" literally, not "in the body".
The breath is often referred to as the bridge between the body and mind.
Simple breathing techniques when applied can be affective in calming the thoughts and increasing body awareness.
Science tells us that the brain requires more oxygen than any other part of the body.
So supplying it in a conscious way allows for clarity of thought and the ability to concentrate for longer periods of time.
Try This Simple Breathing Technique: 1)Sitting, lying down or standing - close your eyes or look in front of you, relax your shoulders.
Relax your mouth and jaw, point your chin slightly down.
Stand straight but loose.
2) Inhale slowly through your nose.
Let your abdomen and diaphragm expand filling your lungs to capacity.
Remain relaxed, soft and open, feeling the deep quality of air moving into the lower regions of the chest.
3)Exhale slowly through your nose, feeling your abdomen release.
Feel the diaphragm slowly collapse while it gently comes back to center as you empty your lungs.
Do this ten times and note how you feel afterward.
Most likely you will feel a great sense of calm and peace.
This is the essence of what Yogic breathing can do for your weight training workout.
Establishing a deep rhythmic breathing during a weight training routine can thus be extremely beneficial to those wanting muscle building efficiency along with the increased amount of pleasure that an intense level of commitment and focus to the motions involved.
When you are able to truly let go of the mind and all the fleeting thoughts that go along with it, your training session becomes one with yogic practice.
Your are more aware of your body and know precisely how much effort to put into a weight lifting exercise without overexerting your muscles.
This is really the key to it all.
You are in control simply by being more present and "in the moment" with your workout!

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