If we start reading all the blogs online we find there is a tremendous amount of junk out there, and we also find a good number of critical and logical thinkers that have blogs, those which have been able to reason and come up with some very interesting information and some rather intellectual thoughts.
Many of the blogs are nothing but an extension of one's self, and their need to elevate their self-esteem and individuality.
Some of them are saying; "I Think Therefore I Am!" in a roundabout way.
Unfortunately, most of the blogs on the Internet read or are written in a way that says; "I am a narcissist, an egomaniac and I am the only person that matters in the world.
" For those who have blogs I would recommend that you explore this concept and think about what you are writing.
You see, just because you have an opinion and you feel that your opinion is correct or that you have the ability to reason, you must realize that there are other people online as well.
And just because you are wise, smart or intellectually endowed does not preclude the fact that there are other people out there who also can reason and think, perhaps even better than you.
Once you are able to admit that, and operate with that mindset you will realize that; "I am too!" And just like you; "we all are," and most all of us think.
For those that fail to recognize these facts; that is fine, but realize that your words give you away and tell the rest of us what kind of person you really are.
Please consider all this, and realize I am not picking on you personally, but if the shoe fits wear it.
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