Have you thought of just how much fuel you may be forced to use on a daily basis with the increasing fuel costs? The thought may scare you into leaving your comfy vehicle at home but you need not to.
There are devices and products that are in the market that you could make use of to improve the automobile gas mileage.
This way, you will also be able to save a lot of money on fuel.
Energycel is one such product that sees to it that fuel passes right through to the combustion chamber with no gas wastage at all.
The secret to this is the magnetic ability of the energycel to form magnetic fields around the fuel line.
Make sure that it is well installed and tightly fixed.
This device should be correctly positioned between the the fuel pump and the engine.
Remember that it is magnetic and wrong installation could mean a total mess to your vehicle.
One thing you must remember about the energycel is that it works two way and to your advantage.
One, it saves your fuel and two, it expands the life span off your vehicle.
Petromoly is yet another device that will give you maximum automobile gas mileage.
It works by protecting the engine from wear and tear.
It also has Molybdenum disulphide which ensures that the gas molecules are broken down completely for combustion.
We cannot forget about the turbonator which regulates the air flow, is east to fix and maintain and improves the automobile gas mileage to up to 10-22%.
It is flexible enough to be fixed on any type of vehicle.
For the T.
type of vehicles, it is fixed inside the air cleaner and for the E.
it should be fixed on the air intake hose.
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