Cars & Vehicles Hybrid Vehicles

Should You Convert Your Car to Electric? You Should Consider It

The know how for converting cars to electric is over 150 years old but it is only in the last few years it has received the attention it deserves.
With the threat of global warming reducing your carbon output is increasingly popular.
Your car is a perfect place to start.
Pollution is a growing hassle in most places.
It is a worldwide challenge to lessen smog and emissions and find some solutions.
Large cars with large engines are the problem As advances happen the technology improves and often gets smaller.
This worries some people who do not like change and think it will not work.
Do not bury your head in the sand and take these suggestions into account.
Electric powered cars produce zero emissions so they do not add to the CO2 in the atmosphere and of course reduce pollution.
Many people think along the lines of green is our future.
Car exhaust fumes are unhealthy for both the planet and your family.
So why not look for a better, cleaner engine.
A not inconsiderable plus point is the money you will save.
It costs a lot less to charge up a car than to fill the gas tank.
Newer cars can even be simply plugged in at home.
So less oil is used and overall needs less energy on a daily basis.
In modern electric cars you can get 200 miles from a single charge.
You will be able to have the radio down low, as the engine is silent.
So you will creep up on other road users and take them by surprise.
By converting your car to electricity, you are giving it an extra lease of life.
Recycling cars is not the easiest or cleanest process in the world.
Often they are simply crushed and put into landfill sites.
So why not put off buying a new car and convert instead.
You can try and do it yourself if you have a bit of mechanical knowledge.
It is cheaper than paying a mechanic and makes a great project.
It is also cheaper which helps.
Now is a great time to make changes.
Smog is a blight on so many of our cities.
Health issues are raised daily related to exhaust gases.
The climate seems to be affected as well although even if you do not believe in climate change you will agree oil will not last forever.
With the constant advances in technology it is getting easier, cheaper and more beneficial to change to electric powered cars.

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