Pets & Animal Reptiles

How to Care for Albino Clawed Frogs

    • 1). Prepare an aquarium tank by filling it with about 10 gallons of water per frog, at a temperature of 75 F. The depth of the water should be 12 inches, to provide the frog with sufficient room to swim and easily reach the surface and breathe. Allow tap water to stand for twenty four hours before adding it to the aquarium, or treat it with a dechlorinator, to render it free from harmful chemicals.

    • 2). Cover the bottom of the aquarium with substrate like small round-edged rocks that the frog cannot swallow. Because these frogs prefer to hide during the day, strategically place rocks, plants -- live and plastic, and driftwood as hiding places.

    • 3). Feed the frog a varied diet consisting of earthworms, bloodworms, mealworms, crickets, small fish that they can catch like freshly killed feeder guppies and small minnows, tadpoles, and grass shrimp. You can also offer it commercially prepared food, such as trout chow pellets, catfish chow and koi pellets.

    • 4). Feed your pet once daily with just the amount of food that it can consume within 15 minutes. Remove any uneaten food immediately. Refrain from overfeeding, as these frogs have excellent appetites.

    • 5). Whenever handling the frog, use a soft, wet net to scoop it out, as its slippery skin renders it inconvenient to handle. Place your free hand over the mouth of the net to prevent the frog from jumping out. Place it back in the aquarium as soon as possible.

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