Pets & Animal Exotic Pets

Sugar Gliders Housing -Pet Owner"s Information About Best Houses For Your Sugar Glider

When you are thinking to have this animal, always prepare the important thing that they must need.
Most especially their house, sugar gliders are tree dwelling animals, their cage should have something to climb on because this is their normal nature.
Also, sugar gliders is active in the wild and can be playful.
The largest cage that owners can provide the animal is the smallest housing for sugar gliders that they can have, the reason of this is because, on the wild, they can glide hundred feet from tree to tree.
Cage that can be their new home should have ample space to play on.
A minimum cage should have a size of 40x21x21 or 34x24x24 inches or even larger.
This can be the standard size that can fit two or three sugar gliders.
People that are thinking to have three or more gliders, the cage must certainly be larger.
Also, the cage should have plenty of vertical and horizontal bars because the pet loves to climb.
Housing for sugar gliders must basically fit their basic needs, like playing, climbing or even possible, gliding.
The flooring of the cage should have cover.
The cover can help them to rest more properly.
The following are some of the important things that should be considered most before having the housing for sugar gliders.
* Height: The height should be sufficient for the animal because of their natural activities and behaviors.
This pet loves to jump and climb, that's why owners need to provide lengthy cage.
Lengthy cages can provide enough space to play; also, putting up branches inside the cage can be much easier.
Branches are things that they can used to climb.
Cage that is higher is much better.
* Materials Nowadays, there are many things that can be used for the housing of sugar gliders.
But, not all materials are suitable to be made as their cage.
An example of this is cages that are been made with wires.
Wires are not suitable because it can cause injuries and irritation on the sugar glider; always remember their natural activity is to climb.
Having cages that is made up of durable plastic or vinyl is much better.
Also, good cages should be made up of quality materials, this kind of materials can be used for years.
* Security The sugar gliders is an intelligent creatures this planet has, they can learn to open the door of their cages as time passes by.
Owners should provide the housing for the sugar glider with much security so that they cannot free them selves, also, there are many predators that could harm your little pet, always check their cage more often.
* Bars The housing for sugar gliders that owners should provide must have plenty of bars; bars should not exceed half an inch apart.
Always choose cages that have wire mesh on it so that they can have something to climb on.

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