Children dream BIGGG dreams. Nothing clouds their vision. And nothing seems impossible. Adults, on the other hand, often limit their potential by dismissing their dreams before they ever get off the ground; a habit picked up in the process of maturing and experiencing failure. Some are so good at it they're not even aware of how great their potential is! And developing potential is a vital aspect of the goal-setting process.
Before you can set realistic and exciting goals, you need to shut down the internal editor and dream BIGGG. You'll be surprised at how much you're capable of achieving simply by persistently and courageously moving forward.
If your journey is to succeed you're going to have to navigate your way through (or around) obstacles. You're not going to get there without a fight! Tons of things besides distance stand between you and your dream. It is entirely possible.
Well, when it comes to roadblocks my message is this:
Winners at life take roadblocks, even crises, and turn them into character builders.
My own life has been filled with roadblocks, many with spikes in the road! But I've kept my enthusiasm with one simple philosophy: The road to success is always under construction.
Lessons in life under these rocks:
1. If something negative from your childhood is weighing your life down, get rid of it. You may find support groups, personal counseling or alternative therapies such as Reiki and Neuro Emotional Therapy helpful.
2. Learn to forgive. When we hold a grudge, we are in conflict. We know no inner peace. Let it go. Lowering our expectations of others makes it more difficult to be hurt. We can only control our own thoughts and actions.
3. As parents we need to be aware of the many needs of a child so that we don't create lifelong scars.
4. We can't afford to let the values or insecurities of our parents or spouses hold us back from achieving our dreams.
5. Education is a precious asset. There are many kinds of education and many ways to acquire it. We can also become serious students of life.
6. If we find ourselves in a situation of conflict, it's essential that we resolve it quickly. Conflicts create unhealthy stress which diminishes our ability to perform at our best.
7. We need an equal balance between work and home life to stay healthy. All work and no play can create havoc in our lives. Our personal life should be priority number one. After all, it's much easier to replace a job than it is to replace a loving family and good friends.
€Under every rock there is a lesson in life. Embrace it. Learn from it. And build a better you.€