Heart valve replacement, also referred to as open heart surgery, is the medical procedure that involves treatment of the aortic valves and severely damaged mitral valves.
Heart valve surgery is also used to treat any valve disease that is life-threatening.
This surgery usually uses two types of valves namely, mechanical valves, which are usually made from materials such as plastic, carbon, or metal or biological valves, which are made from animal tissue or taken from the human tissue of a donated heart.
This replacement surgery is performed with either using a 'mini' incision in the 'breastbone' (sternum) or under the right pectoral muscle to access the heart valve.
If the doctor has advised for heart valve surgery, then it is recommended that you should talk to different members of the surgical team, such as the anesthesiologist, surgeon, cardiologist, respiratory therapist etc.
for a smooth operation.
This will allay all your fears regarding surgery.
You may also discuss the details of the operation with your family members and even visit the intensive care unit (ICU) where you may be sent after the operation for recovery.
Well, for those interested in knowing about the details of the heart valve replacement surgery, the operation involves opening the chest to get to the heart and the problem valve.
However, you would be under the influence of anesthesia and will be asleep during the operation and hence would feel no pain during the valve replacement.
During the majority of valve replacement surgeries, the heart will be temporarily stopped and the patient would be put on a heart machine that takes over your breathing and blood circulation.
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