Health & Medical Traditional Chinese medicine

3 Simple Ways Men Can Achieve Better Health

What do men want when it comes to optimal health? Better sex? Longer life? More sleep? Less stress? Surprisingly you don't have to choose acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine can help with it all.
Let's talk about sex.
First sex is an important component to overall health according to TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) philosophy.
Too little or too much sex can cause imbalances in the body and lead to certain conditions over time.
A common example is excessive sexual activity which uses up Kidney energy.
The Kidney organ system is related to the low back and knees therefore if you are experiencing pain in these areas don't be surprised if your TCM doctor asks you about your sexual activity.
A recent study shows that an active sex life has several health benefits including improved cardiovascular health, less depression, less prostrate problems, improved metabolism and reduced stress.
Sex is a great stress reliever unless one suffers from erectile dysfunction then it may cause an increase in stress levels.
Chinese medicine views dysfunction of the male sex organs as an imbalance in the Kidney organ system most commonly it is a deficiency of the Kidney Yang Qi, sometimes referred to as the ming men fire.
This is often treated with acupuncture to "stoke the fire" as it were or herbs that will strengthen the Kidney Yang energy.
The key to a long healthy life is addressing health concerns as they arise, which may explain why men's life expectancy is rising.
Men are taking a greater interest in their health, trying to manage stress, get proper amounts of exercise and rest.
According to TCM principles of longevity it is ideal to live in harmony within your environment, regulate emotions, follow seasonal changes with appropriate activity and diet as well as strive for a balance between rest and work, where work can refer to one's job or physical activity.
Sleep is one aspect of rest and an important one at that since it is the time when the body rejuvenates.
Good quality sleep can increase life expectancy and alleviate stress.
Chinese medicine can provide solutions to sleep problems through herbs or acupuncture.
Acupuncture allows the body to enter into a deep relaxed state which calms and regulates the nervous system.
Herbs can help with insomnia or frequent waking however they differ from pharmaceuticals in the way they work.
Herbal formulas work well when taken consistently to regulate the organ systems that are out of balance thereby resetting the body's natural sleep cycle.
As mentioned adequate sleep helps to manage stress so does exercise, any physical activity that gets the energy and blood flowing, however it is even more beneficial to include activities which have a meditative component to them such as yoga or tai chi.
Your muscles get the benefit of the activity, your brain is stimulated to release "feel good" hormones serotonin as well as signal the body to reduce cortisol levels, the stress hormone.
Therapies such as acupuncture and massage can have a similar effect on the body, releasing muscle tension and activating brain centres which regulate stress.
For many acupuncture, if done consistently, can keep stress under control.
For those that suffer from anxiety, depression or insomnia herbal remedies in conjunction with acupuncture may provide the best results.
Just remember good health doesn't have to be hard work.
Sex, sleep and stress relief are three keys to a long, healthy and happy life.

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