Acupuncture to treat infertility has proven to be a phenomenal cure at the same time when other scientific treatments fail to work.
It happens to be a Chinese therapy and may perhaps summon a feeling of dark rooms and relentless pain caused by the pricking of needles.
However, that is not the case while treating the infertility syndrome with acupuncture.
On the other hand, it also promises improved relaxation and immediate treatment for infertility.
Acupuncture is derived from traditional Chinese methods.
The Chinese believed that there has to be a balanced energy flow in the body in order to stay healthy.
Furthermore, they insist that whenever there is a blockage in the flow of this energy, several inflammations would occur, leading to body pains and various other kinds of diseases.
Since this energy flows from the meridian points, acupuncture needles are to be inserted in different parts of the body to unblock the energy points.
This would reduce the harmful effects of any disease.
Medical science defines infertility as the lack of the ability to conceive or let conceive a child.
According to a recent research study, only 40% of women are responsible for the case of infertility.
The most common causes of infertility syndrome in women are blocked fallopian tubes and endometriosis.
Acupuncture could be used effectively for infertility treatments where the causes are functional and not merely structural.
Functional infertility could be referred as a condition where the problem is caused due to the hormones whereas structural infertility could be caused due to bodily disorders.
However, acupuncture treatment varies from person to person and the patient must consult the acupuncture practitioner before taking the infertility treatment.
Acupuncture is best for all those who have gone through several medical treatments without any effective results.
It is best for those who do not wish to undergo any expensive treatments.
A patient has to take certain sessions in order to get cured, each session lasts for about 30-45 minutes.
Acupuncture treatment for infertility includes auricular, manual or electrified treatments.
Electrified involves the use of electric needles to improve the energy flow in the body.
The auricular acupuncture treatment involves the pricking of needles in earlobes and ears in order to treat the hormonal disorders in females.
The manual methods of acupuncture involve the use of alternative medicines in accordance to the disorder identified.
Acupuncture treatments are usually successful for infertility since they tend to increase the production of endorphins or blood chemicals that can help to reduce stress.
It augments the blood supply to the ovaries as well as the uterus and hence it becomes easy for the uterus to nourish the fetus.
Therefore the risk of miscarriage is reduced.
After several acupuncture sessions, the central nervous system is highly stimulated and releases the neurotransmitters, so as to reduce infertility.
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