Health & Medical Traditional Chinese medicine

How to Find an Acupuncture Practitioner - 4 Important Things to Guide You

Acupuncture can be a mysterious and scary treatment especially for those who have never tried it before.
The good news is it has been proven to provide several therapeutic and relaxing effects that can both strengthen the body and keep it free from diseases.
You need to know how to look for the best acupuncturist who understands your needs and concerns to stay safe and well.
1) Setting Goals First of all, you need to consider your reasons for trying an acupuncture practitioner.
Ask yourself the following questions: "Are you getting acupuncture as a primary treatment method, alternative approach to medications or in conjunction with medical techniques?" "Can you relate with the standards of either traditional or modern acupuncture?" "Are you aware of the process and associated risks and benefits?" You need to set your goals properly to know which type of acupuncture and modality will best suit your needs.
There are several aspects, principles and kinds of acupuncture treatments.
Some types are found to work better on specific conditions while others may only cause zero or minimal effect or worse, aggravate symptoms.
2) The Right Credentials Modern or medical acupuncture has been developed in the United States to improve the basis of diagnosis and treatment between doctors, chiropractors, physiotherapists, etc.
and, acupuncture practitioners.
Several institutions have formalized the practice by requiring licenses and proper accreditation to professionals to ensure safety and wellness of patients.
There are also several traditional acupuncturists using ancient oriental methods and do not hold formal titles or accreditation.
When looking for acupuncturist credentials, ask the following questions.
"How long have you trained and where?" "What training have you undergone to treat my condition specifically?" "How do you update your methods and principles of acupuncture?" "How long have you been in professional practice?" "Can you refer me to some of your past patients?" "What is your professional experience regarding my specific condition and what is the usual prognosis?" It is recommended that you talk to previous patients first when narrowing down your options.
Ask past clients about their experiences and let them enumerate items they found most effective, painful, useful and useless.
Allow them to evaluate their condition from the time they started treatment until the present so you know how well the approaches can be.
It would be better to look for patients who had the same diagnosis as yours.
3) Important Affiliations and Accreditations In the United States, acupuncturists are required at least 3 to 5 years of Master's Degree in Oriental Medicine from an accredited acupuncture school and issued a practical and written state board exam before a license can be given.
There are other states that do not require licensed professionals but check the background of practitioners if they are certified by the NCCA or National Commission for the Certification of Acupuncturists.
Most individuals belonging to the group have at least earned a degree in Oriental Medicine from accredited schools or have experience as apprentice acupuncturists for a minimum of 4 years.
All have also already passed the written and practical examination.
The title of Dipl.
or Diplomat of Acupuncture should already have been acquired.
Some medical doctors are also practicing acupuncture limitedly.
Find one who belongs to the AAMA or American Academy of Medical Acupuncture that requires at least 200 hours of training to become a member.
Even if you're looking for an acupuncture practitioner for your pet, look for legal professionals who are licensed doctors of veterinary medicine.
4) Comfort First Good and effective acupuncturists will always prioritize the safety and comfort of their patients first by choosing the best materials and techniques.
You may ask for an introduction or briefing about the whole procedure including the types and sizes of needles to be used, the sensations you should expect as well as how soon you should notice improvements.

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